At his bedside (1)

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Jisung had collapsed on the side of Hyunjin's bed.

In one hand, he was holding his phone for dear life. And in the other, Hyunjin's hand, which he was making sure not to hold too tight, as to not hurt him.

The emergencies had been called, and all Jisung could do now was wait.

Hyunjin's bodyguards had been knocked out and removed from his door by the same men who abducted him. But he only realized he was all alone once he was already out the building.

"I was distracted...," said Hyunjin in a raspy voice.

"I don't care what happened Hyunjin," whined Jisung, still crying his eyes out. "You should not talk, you should rest."

But Hyunjin kept talking:

"I was distracted because of you."
Jisung stopped breathing.
"I was so mad you chose Elena over me, I couldn't think about anything else."
He laughed a little before being forced to stop because of the pain.
"I'm pitiful aren't I?"

"No, no, Hyunjin. I- I didn't choose Elena over you."

"Well you should've. She's the one that's real. She's the one that can make you happy. While all I did was make you ugly."

"No, no...," Insisted Jisung, choking on his tears.

" were so happy. Smiling all the time. So stupid and ignorant of how ugly the world could be.
I was jealous. I wish I had been you, so I hated you.
So, because you were so beautiful, I was able to destroy you. For my sake you put your family in danger. Your friends. Yourself.
You lied to the girl you liked and cheated on her. You lied to everyone around you, because of me..."

"NO!" shouted Jisung. "You are wrong! You are the one who was real! You indulged in my savior complex, and it made me feel alive! Like I never felt before!
I am not the one who was always mad at you, the one who was calling you names, the one who chose Elena!
This one was the fake one!
I was never beautiful! I was the fucking worse! With my own parents, with Elena! I-
I was only beautiful when I was doing things for you!
Only you..."

Jisung came to press his face in Hyunjin's hand, not daring to touch any other part of his painful body.

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