Return to the apartment

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⚠️Sensibilities can be hurt in this chapter. Please read slowly and stay safe.⚠️

Jisung's pov:

I reached Hyunjin's floor completely out of breath and dripping in sweat. I never ran that fast in my life.

The night bodyguards crew still hadn't returned from its seeking. I still hadn't told them about the message.

I tried to calm myself before entering.

A part of me was still expecting to find Hyunjin seated on his sofa, with his bored face, not knowing which movie to watch. As he often would.

But my body and the rest of my mind was clearly in panic, urging me to hurry.

I took a deep breath, and went through the door.

No light.

No sound.

I called his name and pricked up my ears.

Still no sound.

My heart refused to calm down. I turned on all the lights, threw an eye in the living room, and seeing no one, I headed straight to the bedroom.

The room was lit only by the bedside lamp, so I had to concentrate to see.

The bed was undone, as always. And in the middle, a black mass was laying.

Right when I realized that mass was lightly breathing, I also noticed something way less reassuring:

On the floor, from the door to the bed, a trail of blood.

My heart skipped a beat.

I immediately turned on the ceiling light, hurried to the bedside and leaned over Hyunjin's body, which turned out to be completely destroyed.

Half of his face was covered with a bandage soaked in blood. His chest bones seemed to have been rearranged and his leg was twisted in a worrying way.

In his right hand dripping of blood, he was still holding his phone with my message screen still open.

My tears started pouring without control as I was composing the emergency call number.

"Hyunjin, hang in there! I'm calling the hospital! They'll arrive soon!! D- don't move, ok!?"

As my phone was bipping, I heard him lightly laugh and say,

"It's too late, idiot. Just calm down."

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