Note from the author

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First, thanks for reading until the end! 😘

And congratulations, I wasn't expecting this story to be this long when I started it.

It started from one image sparking in my mind, so vivid, about a Han Jisung at a Hyunjin's hospital bedside.
And now, I feel like I deserve to go to hell for this story.

I hate bad/sad endings, but this one just had to have one. I might add an alternate ending, just for my own mental health.

I kinda liked my two boys in this, since they're real high school worthy: Selfish, a bit stupid, proud.
They're far from being perfect but they're just so crazy about each other, I love them.

Also, I'm sorry if I tend to change conjugation between chapters. I'm also not used to write at the first person. It's a pain!

Let me know how you felt about the story! 🙋‍♀️

Now I'll go back to my bed to cry a little.

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