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"Why do we have to stop here first?" I whisper, asking the girl sitting in the backseat next to me, that I've never met before. There's four of us in this red Corvette, and for some reason my boyfriend, Johnny, decided to put the top down and this girl's fuckin' hair keeps hitting me in the face.

Johnny just got this car. A brand new nineteen ninety-eight Corvette. Well, his dad just got it for him. We've been driving around aimlessly all day, just because he wants people to see him in it and be envious. How boring. He's so fucking boring. Especially when it's not even something he worked hard to get. What's there to envy?

"I don't know." She says flatly, popping her gum and checking her lipstick in the compact from her purse. I'm pretty sure she wasn't even listening to me. She puts the compact away and leans over the front seat to wrap her arms around my brother's shoulders, whispering something in his ear.

I roll my eyes and sit back against the seat again, wrapping my arms around myself to stay warm. It's the middle of September, at six pm, how are these people not freezing?

Johnny pulls up to the front of my dad's motorcycle shop and puts the car in park. Cas jumps out of the passenger seat, not bothering to open the car door, and immediately heads for Dad's office. He has to pick up his check, that's right, that's why we're here.

"What is this place?" The girl next to me scrunches her nose in disgust looking around. "Maverick's. Like from Top Gun?" She snorts.

"Maverick is my dad's name, Blondie." I snap at her, not bothering to be nice anymore. "This is his garage. You better wipe that snotty look off your face since you seem to be the girl my brother is entertaining for the night."

She whips her head in my direction, eyes wide, and I just stare at her with a bored look on my face. My brother has a habit of finding a new girl to play with for the weekend. Usually they are sweet and I feel a little bad for them, but this one is being a real dick.

Cas returns to the car, opening the door this time like a civilized person, and slides into the passenger seat. Blondie smirks at me before turning to my brother, who's putting his seatbelt on.

"Cas," She practically whines his name, making me gag, "your sister is a little bitch."

"Get the fuck out." Cas snaps, opening the passenger door again and flipping the switch to move the seat up, signaling for her to exit the vehicle.

"What?! But I-" She tries to argue, but Cas cuts her off.

"Get out, Madison."

Of course her name is Madison.

Madison turns to look at me in disbelief and I smirk, wiggling my fingers at her. Finally, she huffs and scrambles out of the car. Cas slams the door shut after he gets back in.

"What are you just going to leave me here?" She yells at my brother. "How am I supposed to get home?"

"Should've thought about that before you talked shit about my family."

Cas puts his sunglasses on, even though not one sun ray is breaking through the clouds above us, and I roll my eyes at him. They're still arguing with each other while Johnny is fiddling with the radio, trying to tune them out probably. Out of the corner of my eye I see a tall, unfamiliar figure emerge from the garage. I'm sure he heard the commotion and decided to come investigate. He pulls out a rag that's tucked in the pocket of his dirty jeans to wipe his grease covered hands on.

My mouth falls open a little as I take in the sight of him. He's so tall, probably six feet or more, and his messy brown curls stick out erratically from the American flag bandana holding them back from his face. The greasy white T-shirt he's wearing is practically see through when he steps into the daylight, exposing his torso that's littered in black ink. My eyes trail back up to his face where I'm met with bright green eyes staring back at me. A smirk emerges on this mystery man's face, a dimple popping in his cheek.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now