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I've been ditching work for the past few days. I even called my teacher personally to let him know I need to reschedule my final because I'm sick.

Which isn't exactly a lie. I do feel sick.

I haven't been able to get out of bed.

I've stayed in my room for four days, watching movies and sleeping, not finding the energy to do anything else. I feel drained. Empty.

Maybe I am actually sick and just needed rest. Sure, we'll go with that.

I somehow found the energy to shower this morning, so I decided to get dressed and stop avoiding my responsibilities.

I pull up to the shop on my bike and flip the kickstand down, pulling my helmet off my head. I attempt to smooth out my knotted hair by running my fingers through it, but I have no luck. I quickly head through the shop and into the office, hearing tools clatter to the floor behind me, but I don't try to find where the noise came from.

I'm barely two steps into the office when I feel someone come up behind me and I turn around, my nose just inches from a familiar gold cross. I take a step back and glance up at Harry, who looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Hey." He mutters and steps back too.

"Hi?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"How are you?" He asks, scanning me up and down with his eyes.

"I'm fine?" I lean back up against the desk and cross my arms, furrowing my brows at him. "Why are you being weird?"

"I'm not being weird." He argues and I just stare at him. "Johnny came by looking for you two days ago." He sighs, admitting his reason for acting strangely. "Luckily, he ran into me, because it was late and no one else was here. He seemed more pissed than usual."

"Fuck." I mutter, clutching my hand over my stomach, suddenly feeling the urge to throw up. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him I didn't know where you were." He ducks his head down to meet my eyes. "You've been MIA all week and after he came by, I just thought- well it doesn't matter, because you're here."

"Were you worried about me, Harry?" I tease, trying to break up the tension in the room, but he's not having it.

"I know you're planning to break up with him," he takes a few steps toward me and I lean back on the desk a little more, the intensity in his eyes catching me off guard. "but you need to be careful, Violet. I'm serious."

"I know." I tell him, anxiety bubbling up in my belly. "Promise."

Harry nods his head, retreating out the office door, leaving me by myself again. I walk over to the window that overlooks the shop and watch as Harry bends down to pick up his tools that are scattered all over the floor in front of the client bike he's working on. I go to pull the blinds down and notice my hand is shaking.

I don't know how I'm going to do this.

The rest of the day flies by in a blur, I can't even remember one productive thing I did, but when my dad swung by the shop in between pick ups, he just seemed happy to see me.

I leave early, sneaking out the back door so I don't run into Harry. Our conversation this morning thoroughly freaked me out. He was so serious. Stern. It makes me wonder what Johnny said to him when he came looking for me.

I pull up in front of my house and park my motorcycle, and slowly trudge up my front steps. I ignore my mother trying to talk to me from the kitchen and go straight to my room, grabbing my phone off the receiver and clutch it in my hands so tightly I'm surprised it doesn't snap in half.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now