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Violet must've left early, and snuck out the back door where no one would see. I'm sure I probably scared her a little bit when I told her about Johnny coming to look for her the other day.

She should be freaked out though. I was freaked out. I am worried about her because he is definitely not stable. The only other time I've seen a look like that in someone's eye was the last time I saw my father. Johnny was plenty pissed off when he ran into me here, but I'd much rather the anger be directed at me, instead of Violet.

I hope she's okay.

She seemed a little frail today, weak. Like all her energy was gone. Cas said she's been sick, which is why she was out for a few days, but I'm not buying it.  I wanted to ask her to hang around with me tonight, make something up about needing her smaller hands to help me fix something on this bike, but I never got the chance.

I sigh loudly into the empty garage and turn off the lamp at my bench, gathering up my tools to leave. When I bend down to pick up my toolbox, I hear the front door creak open, the sound reverberating off of the brick walls. I slowly stand up, stunned to find Violet pressed against the closed, and now locked, door, peering out the window into the night.

Is she hiding?

"Vi?" I try to be quiet so I don't startle her, but to my horror, she whips her head in the direction of my voice and a blood curdling scream escapes her.

"Whoa, hey!" I drop the toolbox, raising my hands up at her in surrender and step into the moonlight coming from the windows, the only source of light in here, so that she can see me. "It's me!"

Relief washes over her when she sees my face, but as I step closer, I am filled with dread. She's covered in blood. Her white shirt is stained all over and her arms and legs are covered in tiny cuts. In the darkness, I can almost make out a few potential bruised spots on her skin and her hands are caked in dirt and blood.

"Violet." I step closer to her, slowly, so I don't freak her out again. "Look at me."

She tears her eyes away from the window to meet mine. There's a huge gash on her forehead, probably where the blood came from. I can see it's dirty and will probably hurt a lot when she calms down. One side of her face is covered in blood, her hazel eyes shining up at me in the moonlight.

"I need you to tell me what happened." I say, although I'm pretty sure I already know. I reach for her hand that's closest to me but pause for a moment. "I'm going to touch you, is that okay?"

She nods her head yes and places her injured hand in mine. Her knuckles are swollen, bloody and a few of her fingernails are torn off. Whatever happened, she put up a hell of a fucking fight. I turn the rest of her body towards me, but her eyes stay glued on the window, watching the street.

I sweep her messy and matted hair off of her face to get a better look at the cut. It's not that deep, but it's filled with dirt and definitely needs to be cleaned.

"Johnny." She says breathlessly. I step forward and look out the window, seeing his tacky clown car slowly drive past the entryway to the parking lot. Rage fills me when I see it and I gently move Violet to the side and put my hand on the knob to go out there.

"No, no, no." Violet says, grabbing ahold of my shirt with both hands. I look down at her and see she's really looking at me for the first time, her eyes frantic. "Don't."

I release my grip on the doorknob and place my hands over hers. She's violently shaking, her breathing rapid, and I'm afraid she's in some sort of shock. I gently rub circles over the tops of her hands with my thumbs, trying to get her breathing to slow. I don't know what I'd do if she passed out.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now