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The next morning is a blur as I get ready for work. I wake up late, but decide to take a shower anyway to wash the sticky leftover tears off my face.

This feels awful.

Harry and I argue all the time, but it has never been that serious. I know that I hurt him. I wish I could take back everything that I said.

I couldn't stop myself from getting defensive, even though I had no reason to be, because I know he was right. The night that Johnny attacked me was traumatizing for Harry too, and I know that. It wasn't fair of me to say that I'm the one that has to live with it, when I know it's affected him too.

The injuries on my body that he helped me nurse, the secrets I've forced him to keep for me, the nightmares I have most nights, when I wake up screaming and crying and he has to hold me down. I put him through all of this and then basically dismissed that he had any part of it.

Guilt overtakes me as I walk down the stairs to put my shoes on before I leave for work, a nervous pit in my stomach as I run through dialogue in my head, planning what to say to Harry when I see him.

"Vile?" I hear my dad's voice call for me from the dark living room.

I turn to face him and he turns on the lamp next to his chair. He was sitting in the dark, with a bowl of cereal on his lap, in his robe. His hair disheveled and his eyes tired. I smile at him.

"Are you not going to work today?" I ask because it's almost nine, and he's usually to work by eight at the latest.

"No, I decided to give myself a day off." He grins at me. "Everything okay?"

I swipe my hair out of my face and cross my arms over my chest. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Sound travels in this house, honey." He gives me a knowing look, cocking a brow at me. "And yesterday morning, it did not sound friendly."

I breathe a sigh of relief that he's talking about yesterday morning and not the night before.

"Harry and I just got into an argument. Nothing major." I lie. "I'm going to talk to him today and work it out."

"Alright, good luck." I smile at him and reach for the door handle, about to leave. "Oh, Violet?"

I turn back toward him and the look on his face makes my stomach drop. He's trying to hold back a laugh, but the uncomfortable expression he has tells me he knows something else.

"Your mother is back, so-" he coughs to hide an awkward laugh. "maybe you should just stay at Harry's for your- um, extra curricular activities."

"Oh my god." I slap my hand to my forehead, completely embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, I want to die."

"No, V-" he laughs as I open the door to leave.

"I'm going to go run off the road, bye." I quickly step outside and shut the door behind me, cutting off his laughter.

The whole ride to work on my bike I am not only feeling guilty and nervous, but also mortified. Thank god my mom either didn't hear us, or wasn't home yet, because she would've busted in my room guns blazing.

I pull up to the shop and park my bike. As soon as i step in the building I'm searching for Harry. He steps out of the break room and we lock eyes. He ignores me completely and turns around to walk back to his work station. I quickly follow behind him and ignore all of the looks we are getting from our coworkers.

"Harry." I whisper when we reach his station. He doesn't even glance in my direction. "Harry, please. Can we talk?"

"Why?" He finally responds, but he still doesn't turn to look at me. "Why would I want to talk to you when you're just going to dismiss everything I say."

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now