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Tap tap tap

A subtle noise stirs me in my sleep. I pull the blankets up over my head, hoping it goes away.

Tap tap

I groan and roll over, feeling a heavy body in bed next to me. I smile to myself and throw my arm over it, remembering Harry stayed with me. I can hear him breathing heavily still, signaling he's asleep. I run my hand over his back and up to the nape of his neck to play with the curls there, but I don't find any.

His hair is short, and straight. What the fuck?

I open my eyes and come face to face with Johnny, who is staring at me, the same terrifying look in his eye from the other night.

I scream and try to push him away, but he grabs my wrists, holding me close to him. A wicked smile spreads across his face and I try to kick at him, but my legs won't move.

"Violet." He spits my name at me, the word doesn't even sounds like it belongs to me. I'm still screaming and trying to squirm out of his grasp, but he's holding me so tight.

"Violet!" Harry's voice jolts me awake and my eyes fly open. We are both sitting up on my bed and he's holding my wrists in his hands, probably to prevent me from hitting his chest anymore. "Hey, it's me, it's okay."

I quickly look around my room, making sure we are in fact the only people here. Harry lets go of me, but stays on the bed, looking at me like he's worried I'll freak out again.

"Sorry." I mutter, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my palms.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks as I lean back against my pillows. My eyes focus on him for the first time and I see the shirt he had on last night is missing.

I watch the muscles in his back flex as he bends down to pick up his shirt off the floor. My eyes trail over his toned shoulders and across the black ink littering the tan skin on his chest and stomach. He's so fucking hot, my God.

"Hey Vi, my eyes are up here." Harry throws his shirt over his head, cutting off my view of the fern tattoos on his hips. My eyes snap to his and my face turns beet red in embarrassment that I was so blatantly checking him out. A smirk is sitting on his lips but he doesn't give me any more shit. "I said, are you okay?"

"Fine. Just a bad dream." I stand up from the bed and stretch, the big shirt I'm wearing raises a few inches up my thighs and I catch him glancing down at my legs before averting his eyes to anything else in the room.

"Yeah, I got that when playing with my hair turned into screaming in my face." He chuckles, straightening the blankets on my bed and rearranging my pillows to be neater.

"Oh God." I slap a hand to my forehead, not realizing I was acting out my dream. "That's so embarrassing."

He smiles at me and laughs. "It was actually nice...at first."

"I did not imagine this morning going like this." I grab a pair of jeans from my dresser and slip off my shorts underneath the oversized shirt, pulling my pants up my legs. Harry sits on the end of my now made bed, and leans back on his hands to look up at me.

"Hmm." He hums, his head lolling to the side as he watches me button my pants. "How did you imagine this morning going, Violet?"

"Quit that." I mutter, putting two fingers against his forehead and push him backward onto the mattress. I walk into my bathroom and grab my toothbrush from inside the cabinet.

"Quit what?" Harry says from his new position on my bed, his head turned to the side so he can watch me.

"Your comments about how I feel, your shirtless body on my bed, and watching me put my pants on while asking a very loaded question." I murmur through a mouthful of toothpaste. I can see him in the mirror of my bathroom and he smiles before getting up off the bed.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now