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Mia and I have been getting ready for hours together. Bobby booked each of us rooms in this hotel, which is being used as the venue, so that no one has to worry about getting home. He said he just wanted us to have some fun.

Well, we are doing exactly that.

Harry and Niall have been downstairs all day helping set up the rest of the decorations, or running errands for the wedding party and their parents. They came up briefly to drop off some mini bottles of liquor before we kicked them out for good.

It's not like it's either of our wedding day, but we thought it would be fun to have a big reveal when we're finished getting ready.

The radio in the entertainment center is cranked and blasting some sort of  pop/rock music station and we can't stop ourselves from taking dance breaks every once in awhile. We've had two or three shots each, but we're careful to not get sloppy before the ceremony.

An old Queen song comes on the radio and we both hop onto the bed- makeup half done with our hair in rollers- to sing passionately into our hairbrushes. We start jumping around during the guitar solo, acting like literal children, but freeze as the door to our room slams closed.

Anne is standing in front of it, a rather irritated look on her face and my stomach sinks, positive we are about to get in trouble. I wait for her to scold us as we stand on the unmade bed, but she doesn't.

"Everyone is fucking babying me." She mutters. I roll my lips into my mouth, trying not to smile at her cursing when she's clearly upset. "Not even letting me help with my own daughter's wedding." She throws her hands up in the air and walks into the room further.

"Anne, let me get that for you. Anne, please sit down and rest." She mimics in a taunting voice. She looks up and points a manicured finger at us. "And your boyfriends are the worst of it. I just- I want to just be a person today. I want to be the fun mother of the bride, not sick, old Anne."

She stares at us as the song fades out and the very familiar chords of another start. Mia and I glance at each other, speaking without words, and both hold out our hands to her. Her face lights up as she takes them and we help her onto the bed with us.

We start to jump again, a little more careful this time, and sing along with the Bee Gees. As the chorus comes around we stop jumping and dance, kicking pillows and blankets off of the bed as we go.

"What do you girls know about this song?" Anne says as she rolls her hips to the music. "You don't know nothing about this."

Mia and I laugh, but watch her in awe as a glimpse of the still young woman she is shines through. She shakes her hips to the beat of the chorus, dancing like she's at a disco as she waves her arms above her head.

Mia and I try to mimic her, but it feels awkward for us while looking so natural on her. I hear laughter coming from the doorway and I look up to find Harry standing there next to Niall, who has a camcorder pointed at us.

"What are you doing?!" I say shocked.

"Gemma asked us to film important things that we'll want to remember." Harry explains, a huge grin on his face.

Mia and I look hilarious. Both of us still in mismatched pajamas with our hair and makeup not done, dancing on top of a bed with their mom.

"Boys." Anne says when she stops dancing. "I love you so much, you know I do." They both nod and Harry smiles softly. "But please get the fuck out and leave us alone."

Mia and I burst into laughter when the boys' mouths drop open in shock.

"Bye bye." I call after them as they turn around to leave and Mia blows them a kiss before the door shuts.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now