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I stretch my legs out and slowly blink my eyes open against the soft light from the window. I forget where I am for a moment, startled by the unfamiliar room and the empty bed next to me.

I squeak out an unrecognizable sound, my voice still thick with sleep, so I clear my throat and try again.


I listen for a second but get no response. I walk over to the cracked door and pull it open a little more and poke my head through. I slowly step out into the hallway and turn a corner, following sizzling sounds and faint humming, to find Harry with his back to me, shirtless, with a towel draped over his shoulder as he cooks breakfast.

My heart swells as I watch him stir eggs in the pan and sing a familiar tune under his breath, but it's too quiet for me to make out the song. He suddenly pauses, seeming to sense my presence, and turns to look at me standing in the doorway.

"Mornin', baby." He grins before returning his attention to the food and hot stove in front of him.

"Good morning..." I mumble, distracted by the charming interior of the cottage as I look around the kitchen. I was way too tired last night to really notice anything except for how comfortable the bed was.

I take in the rustic, yet modern, kitchen and the little breakfast table under the window. The adjacent living room is small, a fireplace on one wall with two chairs in front of it and a small end table between them. The chairs are angled towards each other, as if they were put there just to have conversations.

There's a few family pictures scattered along the walls and I take my time looking at each one of them. My favorite, I decided, is one of Harry and Gemma. Harry is probably no older than eight, his curly hair a wild mess and they both have dirt on their faces, smiling hugely at the camera I'm sure is being held by Anne.

"Oh, Harry..." I turn back toward him to see he's setting the breakfast table for us, a plate with eggs and toast for each of us. "I'm in love with this place."

"I knew you would be." He chuckles, his eyes sparkling. "It's one of my favorite places...and I'm happy I get to share it with my favorite person."

I take a few quick steps toward where he's standing next to the table and wrap my arms around his neck, throwing myself into his body. He grunts in surprise as I attach my lips to his, but slides his arms around my waist to keep me steady.

I hum into the kiss and let my hands roam over his bare chest, goosebumps erupting in the wake of my cold touch. He slips his tongue under mine and I smile against his mouth. I kiss him softly once more and then separate our bodies as he inhales sharply when I release him.

"What was that for?" He chuckles. I ignore his question and brush back the hair that's fallen in his face to tuck behind his ear.

"Your hair has gotten so long." I say quietly. It's almost to his shoulders now, and I'm wondering how I didn't notice before this moment.

"Yeah," he nods and grabs my hand to hold it to his face. "Mum wants me to cut it. She says it's not as nice this way for wedding pictures."

"You look like a prince." I blurt out before I can stop myself. "Don't cut it."

"Okay." He whispers and drops his hands to my hips, pulling me in closer.

"I'm starving." I push him back and sit at the table, taking a big bite of toast from my plate. "And I need to shower."

He smiles and take his seat across from me, reaching over to pour juice into my glass. He fills his own cup and we eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now