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Once we are all settled in our seats, Harry on my right next to his mum at the end of the table, and Mia on my left with Niall on her other side, we start to pass an array of breakfast food around.

I take two pancakes, bacon, an egg and a massive spoonful of strawberries. I want more, but I don't want to be greedy. Harry smiles watching me, and when it's his turn, I notice he puts an extra spoonful on his plate and then winks at me.

Harry helps Anne with her plate, her hands shaking when she tries to take the platter from him, but he doesn't let go. I look away and lock eyes with Gemma across the table from me. Her hands are in her lap, her food barely touched. She looks in my direction, but right through me.

I stare back at her, raising my eyebrows to try and get her attention. Finally, her glassy eyes clear and her focus lands on me. I inhale deeply, raising my shoulders dramatically so that she notices and she mirrors me, inhaling as well. Her shoulders relax as we exhale together and I smile at her.

"You alright?" Harry whispers, his hand finding my thigh under the table.

He's eyeing my plate, all of my strawberries are gone, but I only made it about halfway through a pancake before Gemma and I had an unspoken moment together. A nervous pit has risen in my stomach and I can't fight it off.

I nod at Harry and cover his hand on my leg with both of mine. He stabs a strawberry with his fork and offers it to me. I smile at him smugly and take it into my mouth to chew. He leans over and kisses me once, very softly before starting up a conversation with Andrew across the table.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to face the other side and see Niall is reaching behind Amelia to get my attention. He drops his hand and leans toward me and I do the same.

For once Niall's face is sincere. He's not joking or about to tease me. His blue eyes are filled to the brim with an emotion I can't quite place when he whispers, "I'm so glad you're here."

I smile at him and try to blink back my own emotions coming to the surface. Sitting at the breakfast table with a family who has nothing but love for each other, is very foreign to me. I think I could get used to it though.

While I sit and listen to the many conversations going on around me, I realize what I saw in Niall's eyes. Gratitude. He's grateful that I'm here for his brother, because he has to know what's going to happen next. It seems like Harry might be the only one in the dark about the reality of the situation.

He would hate to know that everyone is worried and trying to baby him. After what he's been through these past couple weeks, I am grateful that he's surrounded by so many people that love and care about him so deeply. I just hope he sees it that way.

"Okay, family." Gemma smiles somewhat timidly, something I've never seen from her before. "Andrew and I have something to announce..." I look at Harry as he watches his sister, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "We're engaged!" She squeals excitedly and everyone at the table cheers.

Harry's face lights up with a big grin as he congratulates them along with everyone else. He turns to look at me, genuinely happy and excited for them. I smile back at him, but my attention is pulled to Anne when she speaks.

"It's about damn time!" She laughs, reaching out to hold Gemma's hand across the table. "Have you picked a date?"

"Yeah." Gemma clears her throat, her eyes flicking to Harry and then to me before they return to her mom. "We want to do it next month...December."

"Why so soon?" Harry asks innocently. Gemma's mouth opens, but she can't find the words to explain the reason to her little brother.

"Because I'm sick, love." Anne says assuredly, giving him a knowing look, and saying what Gemma doesn't want to.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now