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We pull up to the bar, all four of us in Harry's car, and I don't miss the somewhat confused look on his face.

The building does look run down, I'll give him that. The entire structure looks worn and warped, like it's leaning to one side a little and the big neon sign on top is all lit up except for one "l" in "Billy's".

"Come on." I grab Harry's hand and pull him along beside me when we exit the car, following Mia and Niall.

After a little flirting from Mia, and a twenty dollar bill, the bouncer lets us in without a second thought. The moment we walk through the door, smoke and loud music hit us. There's chatter coming from all sides and the familiar clattering of beer bottles is giving me a strange nostalgic feeling. I grip Harry's hand and bounce up and down excitedly when I catch sight of a line of people dancing in the middle of the room.

"Where the hell did you bring me?" Harry half shouts over the country music blaring through the speakers.

I finally glance up at him and his eyes are wide in shock. He's never looked more out of place. His curls are hanging down around his face, a cross earring dangling from one ear and his fingers are littered with rings. The leather jacket and American flag bandana tied around his wrist could pass, if it weren't for the skinny jeans and combat boots he has on.

"You'll be fine!" I laugh and tug him over to the booth that Niall and Mia are sat in across the room.

The gorgeous, female bartender brings over a tray of shots and beers, shooting Mia a wink, and I don't miss the flush that creeps up to her cheeks.

"None for me, I'll drive." Niall says and pushes his drink back toward the center of the table.

"Ni, I can drive." Harry immediately retorts, since he rarely drinks anyway and is always our DD.

"Nah, I'm good. Maybe you could have some fun tonight, for once." Niall cocks an eyebrow back at him.

"I have fun." Harry mumbles, defending himself, and takes the glasses from me when I slide them in front of him.

"Okay- one, two...three!" Mia shouts and we all drop the shot into our beers and chug them as fast as we can.

Harry downs his in seconds while I have to take a break in the middle. Mia is fighting for her life with beer dripping down her chin. She must have swallowed wrong because she's coughing violently while Niall rubs her back.

I can't help but bust out laughing and she gives me the finger while wiping the tears from her eyes with her other hand.

Harry pushes the other shot toward me and takes a sip from the remaining beer. I quickly down it and set the glass back on the tray.

"Are you really okay with drinking with us?" I whisper, trying to keep my voice low enough that only he can hear me. "You don't have to."

"I'm fine, baby, I promise." Harry smiles at me softly and brushes my hair back from my shoulder. He leans in so our noses are almost touching. "Thank you for checking on me."

He closes the gap between us and inhales deeply when our lips touch. I have no idea if it's the alcohol or his cologne that's making me dizzy, but either way I'm enjoying it. I feel his hand fall to my thigh when he slips his tongue underneath mine.

I gasp loudly, startling him, when I hear a familiar melody start over the speakers and smile wickedly, pushing him to get out of the booth. He does, visibly confused, but I stand up and hold my hand out to Mia who is still trapped in by Niall.

"Get your ass up, I know that you know this dance." I tell her. She smiles at me and climbs over Niall's lap to take my hand so I can lead us to the now empty dance floor.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now