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I'm trying not to fall asleep as I lay in between Harry's legs with my head resting just below his shoulder. He's running his fingers through my hair and chuckling softly every once in awhile, the sound rumbling through his chest, making me smile. The fire is burning hot across the room and he's wrapped us in a big blanket as we sit on the floor, watching It's A Wonderful Life.

He spent about forty-five minutes rifling through different boxes in the attic before he emerged holding a projector with a proud grin on his face. He set it up to face the one blank wall while I made dinner, and was sure to move our mini Christmas tree next to the mound of pillows he gathered from all over the house.

Yesterday at the market, I realized it was almost Christmas, and we didn't have a tree. He seemed amused at my urgency to tell him this and we walked down every aisle until we found the weirdest looking,  little fake plug in tree. We didn't have many other options, but it didn't matter to me. It was perfect.

This movie is long. It's lovely, and has a great message, but between Harry playing with my hair and the dinner we just had, I can't even pretend like I'm paying attention.

I jolt awake the find the credits rolling and I sit up, pushing the blanket off of me.

"Morning." Harry chuckles and stretches his legs, repositioning himself since I'm sure at least half of his body is numb from me laying on him for hours.

"Did you watch the whole thing?" I ask, surprised that he looks wide awake.

"Yeah, I was even talking to you for awhile." He smiles at me when I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a yawn. "When I heard little snores I knew you were long gone."

"I'm sorry, baby."

"Don't be." He shrugs. "Can't complain about a beautiful girl using me as a pillow."

He pushes himself off the floor and groans a little when he stands. His legs are stiff from staying in one spot and I try not to laugh when he moves across the room a little slower than usual.

"I got you something." He says quietly. He picks up a small red box from the mantle above the fireplace, that I didn't notice before, and brings it back over to me.

"Harry, Christmas is tomorrow." I tell him when he sits on the floor next to me again.

"I know, but, I like the idea of us having this to ourselves." He hands me the box and I take it, running a finger over the matching red silk ribbon tied around it.

"Okay, in that case, I have something for you too."

I hand my gift back to him and jump up to run into our bedroom. I grab the little black box from the bottom of my suitcase and hurry back to him excitedly. We trade presents and he smiles at me, waiting for me to open mine first.

"You first." I tell him, resting my hands in my lap. "So I can explain."

He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously and carefully pulls the lid off the box. My stomach flips when I watch his gaze land on the contents.

"It's not what it looks like." I giggle and snatch the box from him. He tries to get it back, but I swat his hand away. "I know it's a ring, but it's not that kind of ring."

"How are you going to buy me a gift, but not even let me have it?"

"You see this?" I ignore him and point to the signet front and center of the gold band. He nods his head and inspects it closer. "It's a Tiger's Eye gemstone. It's typically worn for protection and healing. It serves as a reminder to stay centered and trust your inner strength. To stop sabotaging yourself, because everything you need is already within you."

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now