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My dad held my hand while I rehashed every terrible moment of my year long relationship with Johnny, for the better part of an hour. Every once in awhile he would use his free hand to quickly wipe away a tear falling from his eye. I tried to give Detective Maria every piece of information that I could remember. I thought I would be more emotional about the whole thing, but my dad's hand squeezing mine under the table kept me grounded, and knowing Harry was down the hall fighting for his life, gave me the motivation to keep going. The last thing I told her about was the box in my closet. She said they would need to take that at some point.

She let me know that one of their units had already picked Johnny up and he's currently at the jail. The first person from the party who called the police notified them that he was the shooter. That, plus the statements from my friends in the waiting room, there's really no getting out of this for him. I'm sure his father will try his best though.

Cas had interrupted us about twenty minutes ago saying Harry was out of surgery, but no one could see him yet. I let myself have a moment of quiet relief before continuing with my statement. The detectives leave us in the room, saying they will be back when Harry is awake and feeling well enough to talk.

"Violet, baby, I'm so sorry." My dad's weak voice makes my heart crack. "I had absolutely no idea any of this was going on."

"How were you supposed to know?" I take his scruffy face in my hands. "I lied and I hid it from you."

"I'm your father." He covers my hand on his face with his own, his eyes sad. "I'm supposed to keep you safe, and it was right under my nose the whole time."

"That doesn't matter now." I try to reassure him somehow. "You're always there when I need you. And I really needed you today, Dad. Thank you."

"I love you, Vile." He whispers. I can tell the words taste a little funny coming out of his mouth. Neither of us are really accustomed to saying such a thing.

"I love you too." I smile at him and he hugs me tightly.

"Harry's awake." Cas bursts through the door, panic on his face. "He's asking for you and not being quiet about it."

I quickly stand up and follow Cas, who is running down the hall, toward what sounds like yelling.

"Harry, you need to lay down! You just had surgery!" Gemma scolds him.

"Need to find Violet. Have to make sure she s'okay." His words are a little slurred, probably from the anesthesia wearing off, but as soon as I hear his voice I feel like a giant weight is lifted off of me.

Cas leads me to the door and steps to the side for me to enter when we get there. Harry is sitting up in the bed, a number of tubes and wires attached to him, one of his legs is swung off the edge as he tries to climb off and Gemma has her hands on his shoulders to push him back down.

"Harry, get your ass back in that bed." I tell him, worried that his wild movements are going to cause more damage.

"Vi." He mumbles and his head snaps toward the door to look at me.

I rush over to his bedside as he lays back on the pillow and run my hand through his dirty hair. He looks exhausted, and still in pain. I can tell they tried to clean the blood off of him, but there's still patches of it peeking out from under the hospital gown.

"I'm here, baby, I'm okay." I whisper and kiss his forehead as he closes his eyes.

"Huh." The doctor, who I didn't notice in the room before, mutters and taps the heart rate monitor with his pencil. "His heartbeat has been somewhat irregular since he got here. We figured it was from the shock, and we had some tests scheduled, but seems to be no need for that anymore."

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now