H -59

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After brunch yesterday, and our shower, we both ended up being too tired to do anything so we just laid in bed for the rest of the afternoon.

I called up to the main house to let them know we aren't feeling up to any activities, and Bobby said the jet lag was taking a toll on them too, so we'll meet up tomorrow.

We fell asleep sometime around two and woke up to order a pizza for dinner. We played cards on the living room floor in our pajamas, where I learned that Violet can be incredibly competitive when she gets into it. When the pizza arrived, we set the box on the floor with us and continued playing as we ate.

It was definitely one of my favorite nights we've had together.

This morning we were woken up by Niall and Mia, happily banging on our door, donuts in hand. Violet greeted her best friend with a hug and a squeal of happiness and I couldn't keep the smile from my face watching her.

Niall and I are sitting in the living room, the half eaten box of a dozen donuts on the breakfast table. The girls are in the bedroom, unpacking or something. I'm not sure, I could barely understand the words tumbling out of Violet's mouth before she pulled Mia into our room and shut the door.

"Alright, mate?" Niall's voice pulls my attention.

"Why does everyone keep checking on me?" I mumble and take a sip of my coffee. "Do I not look alright?"

"It's a lot coming home, y'know?" Niall says. "For everyone."

"How are you? Mia alright?" I ask to get the attention away from me.

"She's great, man." His face lights up and a half smile creeps it's way onto my face. "I can't wait to take her out and show her around."

"I was thinking we could take the girls to one of the clubs we used to sneak into when we were kids." I cock an eyebrow at him and he grins. "We all deserve to blow off some steam."

"They'd love that." He agrees. "Maybe we could-"

"No, no, no!"

Violet's panicked voice rings out through the house, startling us. Niall and I stare at each other for a half a second before we both jump out of our seats and run down the hall. I push the door open in a rush and find Mia sitting on our bed with Violet's open suitcase beside her, rifling through it.

Violet is standing next to the bed with her hands covering her mouth, studying each item that Mia pulls out.

"Harry, it's not here." She mumbles.

"What's not here?" I furrow my brows and step closer to hear her better.

"My dress!" She groans, her voice on the verge of breaking. "My dress for the wedding. I wanted to hang it and steam it so that it's ready for Saturday but it's not here."

"Any chance you put it in one of mine?" I ask, picking up my suitcase and throwing it onto the bed to open up.

"No, I can picture exactly where I left it." She holds her head in her hands. "Hanging on the back of our closet door at home."


"What am I gonna do?!"

"Maybe there's something of Mia's you can borrow?" I glance over to her and she shakes her head no. "Okay, or maybe you brought something else you could wear?"

"No, I have nothing else." Her voice breaks and I run my hands up and down her arms, her skin hot under my touch. "I spent a lot of money on that dress because it was perfect, and now I don't even get to wear it."

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now