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"Listen." I mumble against his chest as he holds me. "About what I said- the put your baby in me thing. I didn't really mean that."

A loud laugh rumbles in his chest and he pulls back to look at me. "I know, baby, it's okay."

"I'm not even sure where that came from." I admit shyly. "Those words have never even crossed my mind."

"I guess it just felt right then." He chuckles and I scrunch my nose at him. "Hey, a lot of things get said in the moment. Whatever you want to say is safe with me, okay?"

I nod my head and smile at him, still feeling a little embarrassed.

"Plus, I didn't know I would think it's so fucking hot. I guess we both learned something." He mumbles and we burst out laughing.

I do feel relieved that he didn't think it was weird. I couldn't stop my mouth from saying it. I'm on birth control, so it's not like it would happen, but in the moment, I didn't care what the reality was.

I separate our bodies entirely and make sure I'm steady on my feet before I let go of him. I just had the deepest, most soul touching orgasms I've ever experienced. My knees are weak and my body is still trembling slightly from the aftermath.

For some reason I'm holding onto my pride though, because I don't want Harry to have to help me to the bathroom, even when I know he wants to do anything he can for me.

"Harry, I got it." I argue when he tries to help me walk to the bathroom so that we can shower. "I'm fine."

He scoffs as I take one step and my leg buckles underneath me. I reach out for him so that I don't fall and grab onto his bicep for support. He doesn't say another word and suddenly my legs are taken out from under me. He picks me up, bridal style, and walks us both to the bathroom. He sets me on the counter and turns on the water to warm up our shower.

He quickly returns to stand in front of me, stepping between my legs. His hands gently run up over my thighs to rest on my hips.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asks, gingerly placing kisses all over my face. "I didn't hurt you?"

"Harry, I promise you, I'm okay." I giggle when he plants more kisses on my skin, picking up speed as he does so. "I'm just going to be sore."

He pulls back to look at me, his eyelids heavy, pupils still completely blown out, and his face is a little flushed. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was drunk. I grab his face in my hands and squeeze his cheeks, making his lips poke out a little.

"How are you?" I lean forward and kiss his puckered lips before I release him so he can speak.

"I just want to take care of you, Vi." He mumbles, his head falling to my shoulder. He starts kissing down my collarbone and in between my breasts as he lowers himself to his knees. "Like you've been taking care of me."

My mouth drops open when he starts kissing up my thigh toward my aching center. His heavy eyes lock with mine when he finally reaches the most sensitive part of me and slowly sucks it into his mouth. His tongue massages me gently, trying to soothe any discomfort that he may have inadvertently caused.

Harry is without a doubt, the best sex I have ever had. That's not even a question. But, the way that he treats me afterward, the way that he dotes on me and does anything he can to make me feel completely taken care of and loved? I have never experienced that before. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place.

Harry continues to move his tongue on my clit in the gentlest way possible. I run my fingers through his hair and softly massage his scalp with my nails. A low whine escapes him, appreciating the reciprocation of attention, and I watch goosebumps rise on his arms while he grips my thighs with his hands, still watching me.

Tell Me The Truth -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now