Chapter 4

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Edited 4/21/20

"Oh, you found your purse!" Sarah smiled as we all piled onto my bed. "You went crazy over it! Must've been in your room, right?" 

Today's Saturday and less than 15 hours ago my life was almost over. I look at her narrow my eyes. "No, no it wasn't." 

"Where was it?" Katie asks curiously.

"Yeah?" Maya says shrugging off her purse.

"Actually..." I began, telling the entire story of Jason, the tree, and how I fell about 80 million times.

"What the hell?" Katie laughs slapping the bed in the process. "Who does that even happen to?" 

I roll my eyes. "Me, apparently." 

"How hot was he? Gosh I wish I was you!" Maya sighs. "I mean how exciting!" 

Not the reaction I was looking for. "If somehow by exciting you mean that Jason is giant thief I want to kill, then yeah same." 

"Stop being so immature you guys." Sarah says. "The good thing is that she secured the purse." 

Thank you, Sarah.

"Wait, isn't your neighbor Jason McCoy? The one you constantly stalk?" Katie asks. "Something about a science experiment you keep trying to convince us about." That got Sarah and Maya's attention. 

I hate how you remember things, Katie. 

"No?" It came out more of a question.

"Girl," Maya says with her thick British accent winking at me. "You dog." 

"No I am not. I'm doing this out of simple curiosity." 

"Isn't that a little..." Sarah says trailing off awkwardly.

"...Creepy?" Katie offers.

"Yes." the group nods immediately. 


"Don't you guys have places to be?" I ask feeling annoyed. "Because you should." 

"No, we--" Maya starts.

"No, no, you do. Now please leave so I can start my morning ritual." I stand up opening the door. "You know the way."

"Oh Mia..." Sarah groans.

"You're such a--" Maya starts.

"I will take you down with my awesome powers Maya." I cut her off. "You know I can." 

They all look at me for a brief moment, and bursts into fits of laughter. "You know, for as long as we've known you. I thought I'd get used to that, uniqueness Mia." Sarah says laughing.

"Well, I am one of a kind."I say throwing her a toothy grin.

"Whatever you say." She laughs. 

2 hours and 56 minutes and 48 seconds later.

I come back from my jog.

I do this every day for exactly 2 hours and 56 minutes.

I jog to a local Starbucks, to drink a vanilla cappuccino and eat a chocolate muffin. I then finish up the food and I jog to the park and give young kids some quarters because I think young people should know the value of a quarter.

I mean, who's the idiot that said it was the dollar?

Then I jog in place for 48 seconds and I jog back to my house. That is my morning ritual. I walk in the house with a faded old blue shirt and some sweat pants. It's high time for a quick shower.

As I got out of the shower I looked out the window. Surprisingly, I see Jason. He's never here at this time of day.

I wonder what he's up to. I open my window and I quickly duck down, not wanting to get caught. I grab the popcorn I had laying out from many nights before. and sat down with the bowl on my lap. His back was turned so I cautiously moved forward for a better view. 

I know. This is weird but I think its healthy kind of weird... right?

Probably not... 

"You're so sexy." He says seductively, whispering almost.

"This is so gross.." I whisper gagging slightly. "This is definitely not what I want to see." 

"Is that so?" A voice says giggling.

I can recognize those features anywhere. The long blonde hair--clearly and indication of fake extensions. Those blue eyes-- again a clear indication of contacts. (No ones eyes can be that blue.) And that snarky smile that literally reads, I'm way better than all of you oh and my daddy's rich FYI."

I've never liked Gabby Stacey Smith, for multiple reasons. She's pretty, Ill give her that. Whether he beauty is a result of makeup or not, it is what it is. But that's not why I don't like her. 

1) She cannot stand to breath in the same air I'm in, because she says something about how I'm like a contaminated bacteria and then something about global warming. Then, I had to explain to her what global warming was which prompted her to think I was smart alek. 

2) She thinks she's the queen and everyone else--well mainly me-- is her peasant. And I may not have the greatest confidence, but I'm no peasant. 

3) She irritates me. She's cocky, mean to everyone, a bully, and just plain rude. No other explanation. 

He walks closer toward her, like an animal attacking its prey. Then he pushed her down until she's sprawled on his bed. Slowly, almost like the scene is somehow in slow-mo, he takes off his shirt.

"This isn't a freaking movie." I say after a while. Though I am eating a bowl of buttery deliciousness.  "Wait, they are definitely going to..." I trail off. "That's gross. Do you not know how many germs can come about doing such things?" I mutter. Especially on his bed. 

Jason's head snaps in my direction and he raises an eyebrow in shock. I quickly throw my popcorn and duck down.

Did he see me? I inwardly think. After a few moments I carefully lift my head to see the man himself smirking at me almost laughing. My eyes widening a fraction, I quickly shut the window, blocking him from my embarrassment. 

"Holy cow." I mumble sitting on my bed. Of course he heard me. I inwardly scold myself. This can't be good. I shudder. I feel like this is gonna come back and bite. 

"Honey, come down!" My mom calls snapping me from my thoughts.

Great, now what?

10:00 pm.

I am so incredibly tired. I've never been so tired. The entire day I was helping my mom do her taxes and I've never hated seeing words on paper more. I'm even too tired to even watch Jason and his natural habitat.

And that's saying something. The boy really fascinates me.

After today, I don't know if I should keep it up. I shudder. 

I open my bedroom door not bothering to turn on the light. I pull my pants and my shirt off and I search for my PJs. I grab a black tank top and some faded purple shorts and put them on. I walk towards the bed and pull down covers. I climb in and make myself comfortable. I close my eyes and I invite sleep to take over.

But it never happens.

The uncomfortable noise of breathing made me weary. I open my eyes, only to be greeted by the infamous Jason McCoy shining in the moonlight.

That's some ritual there Mia. Dang. So our beloved heartthrob Jason McCoy is laying next to our slightly less than normal Mia. What could possibly go wrong?

This may just be the beginning of some incredibly fascinating things.

The Nerd and the Bad boy(UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now