Chapter 7

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Letter number 3:

'Back to my party for the end of the PCA. I was very happy because you had come, you were there in my party. But my smile didn't long for so long. I was looking for you because I didn't see you since the party started when suddenly I saw you sat at my house's outside stairs. I ran to you.

-Demi?- I asked getting closer and sitting next to you.

-Wilmer! Come here!- You said laughing and grabbing me from my shirt. I realized you were drunk.

-Are you okay?-I laughed.

-I'm very well!- You kept laughing.

-I think you have drank enough- I told you smiling while taking your glass off your hands.

Suddenly you hugged me. I hugged you back. Then you kissed me. I  separated our lips.

-Kiss me back Wilmer! Come on!-You begged me.

-No Demi, you've drank. I can't kiss you with you in this situation. I don't want you to regret it tomorrow- I said firmly.

-Come on Wilmer- You sat on top of me- Kiss me, I know you want it- You started kissing my neck- Let's go to your bedroom...-You kept whispering in my ear.

-Demi please!- I moved you away from me- I'm 13 years older than you. I can't be playing to this teenage game. I have to take care of you. I'll drive you home- I said serious and I stood up.

-No! I want to stay here with you! I want you to love me tonight! All the boys I've been with wanted that...What's wrong with you?-

-All of them wanted this? I told you Demi! I'm older! I don't like to take advantage of women, ok? Men have to take care of them, not play with them! Do you like when they treat you like that? You don't. You have to start to respect your body, because it is only yours- I said angrily. I couldn't imagine you saying this to all the guys you stayed with and ending up with them guiding you to their beds.

You started crying. I  hugged you.

-Hey, it's okay Demi. I have just met you some weeks ago but I really appreciate you to do that. I don't want to treat you like that because I respect you, like everyone should- I wiped your tears.

-Can I stay here tonight?- You asked.

-Of course, but promise me you'll change your mind about men ok? We'll talk tomorrow.

I gave you my hand and I helped you to stand up. When the party ended, I lied you in my bed and I gave you a t-shirt to sleep. After that, I  went to sleep to the sofa.'

Demi's POV

I woke up the next day happy to have a free day to do whatever I wanted and also because everything with Wilmer was ok again. I went to the bathroom, I washed my face, I dressed up my tracksuit and I walked to the hotel's gym.

I spent 50 minutes in the treadmill and then I went back to my hotel to have a shower. It was a sunny day so I  asked Max If  we could go shopping or something. He agreed and we soon got prepared to go out.

I thought I was going to be easy, but as soon as I put a foot out of the hotel, millions of paparazzis came to me. "Demi! How are you dealing Wilmer's cheat?", "How are you feeling about it?", "Are you guys dating?", "What's going to happen now with you two?" I wasn't feeling like answering any of those questions so I put my sunglasses on and I let Max led me inside the car.

Meanwhile in L.A...

Wilmer was driving to work when he saw a florist and he didn't doubt about getting inside.

-Hello-Said the worker-Can I help you?

-Uhm...yes...I wanted a bunch of red roses...-he answered.

-Yes! Of course! Would you want it to be sent to someone?- The worker winked at him.

-Oh yeah...that would be awesome! Could you please send it to the "Rous" hotel in Anaheim? And could they arrive there in two days?

-Oh Valentine's day!! Yeah of course! It's great you've come soon because tomorrow we'll be very busy!

-Okay thank you!

-By the way, would you want to add some chocolates?

-That sounds great! Send it to "Demetria Lovato" and please, you'd be really kind if you don't say I'm sending them-Wilmer smiled.

-Of course! I understand you!-

-Perfect! How much do I have to pay you?-

-It's 18$.

-Here youo have! Thank you!

Wilmer left the florist and went to work. He was happy because he was having a week off soon and he had told Demi some weeks ago that he'd go to see her. But the day didn't turn to be like it was meant to.

-Wilmer?-The directors and Wilmer boss were searching for him.

-Yes? Sorry I had to stop on the way...

-No, don't worry! It's just you need to know that we are adding more days to the shooting and you guys have to travel to Europe to record some chapters so...

-Wait, it's that the week off we had in a week?-Wilmer asked unbelievably.

-Yes, we are sorry...We'll postpone that week off. We promise.

Wilmer got shocked. How was he going to tell Demi that he wasn't going to see her the week they had planned, and that they were going to be even more far away than they were now? This wasn't going to be easy.


Give it up for me for finally uploading and for easter holidays!! I hope you guys have liked it and I'll try to write soon again! Have a good time! I love you so much! Stay strong❤

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