Chapter 4

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Demi's POV

When I boarded the plane, I put my iPhone's music on and I closed my eyes. As soon as I opened them again, we were already landing.

Max, who is always near me, woke me up telling me we were in Vancouver. I stopped the music, put my sweatshirt and my sunglasses on, I took my pillow and we went out of the plane.

It was really cold in Vancouver that morning and we were all shivering and that's why I couldn't understand how million of young girls and boys were waiting for me at my arrival gate shouting my name.

Although I've been 6 years in this "Hollyweird" world, I still can't believe how my Lovatics stay days out of their home, no sleeping, just to see me, to welcome me into their countries or to get a photo with me. This is so crazy... I admire and love them so much.

I took some photos with them, signed some posters and CDs and then, we headed to our hotel.

—Ms. Demetria Lovato? —The receptionist said to me.

—Yes, I am.

—Okay. Your suite is the 308 —. He gave us my room's key and another one for Max and other people from my team— Hope you'll enjoy your stay here. If you need something just let us know.

—Okay, thank you.

As soon as I got to my room, I called my family and sent some messages to my friends Marissa and Matt and also to Wilmer to let them know I had arrived well. Then, I took a nap to be rested for my concert that night.

Normal POV

Sarah one of Demi's makeup artists, was finishing her work to a nervous Demi.

—10 minutes Demi! —Demi's managers told her— We can already hear them chanting your name!

—I'm going! —Demi shouted.

Demi stood up; she left her dressing room and went where all of her team members were. They made a circle and they took each other's hand for praying.

—God, make everything go well tonight —Chris one of Demi's managers said.

—Help us to give the best of us. —Continued Mike, Demi's guitarist.

—And, please God, make everyone in the crowd forget about their problems, and let them enjoy and be happy tonight. —Demi added—. Thank you.

—Amen! —All of them said.

After that, they raised their hand and shouted:


Five minutes later, there were already crying fans listening to their idol sing live, fulfilling their dream. It was what all fans call, "a night to remember".

When the concert ended, Demi said goodbye to her Lovatics and went back to the backstage. Everyone hugged her and congratulated her for a great show. It was a great beginning.

Afterwards, they drove Demi to her hotel again and there she took a shower, she removed her makeup and put her pajamas on. She was super tired, but she still had the energy to read the letters her boyfriend had given her that morning. Demi took the letters and sat down on the bed. She opened the envelope of the first one and started to read...

"Dear Demi,

I'm Wilmer Valderrama. Well, I guess you know that... hahahaha

You'll be wondering..."What the hell is this idiot doing?" I can almost hear your voice saying it... Maybe because you're always swearing? Hahahaha

Well, I've done this for you to read a letter every each night of the tour. It's like a game and you have to keep reading them because there's a surprise at the end. These letters are our story and I hope they can make you smile before sleeping.

I hope you have fun and enjoy traveling through the time!

                                                                                                 Te amo, W.Valderrama"

Letter number one:

The voto Latino PSA, 2010.

I met you in a cold and rainy day. I remember you arriving at the set later than the other actors and actresses who were joining us in the project. And I also remember you being the youngest.

Suddenly I saw you appear, an 18 year old brunette girl with fair skin.

Hi beautiful! I'm Wilmer Valderrama and I'm working with you. I waved at you.

I'm Demetria Lovato. you waved me back—. But you can call me Demi.

You were shy and insecure but your smile could light up the world.

Nice to meet you! Come with me and I'll show you everything! I told you and you nodded.

I could see you weren't happy or that you weren't in your best moment so I was trying to make you laugh above everything, but it wasn't easy.

Suddenly, I remember you shouting while you were seeing me slip. I couldn't stop and clearly, I end up falling to the ground. I got up from the ground and I saw you trying not to laugh.

Are you okay?-You asked me with your mouth covered by your hands so I couldn't see your smile.

Yeah! Don't worry! You can laugh!

That moment was perfect because I finally saw you being yourself, laughing. The real and happy, Demi Lovato.

I'm sorry! But you're so funny! You said, breaking into laughter.

I'm happy I let you have a good time!

And I prayed to have the chance to make you laugh a million times more.

Good night love.


Thanks for keep reading my fanfic and for voting and commenting!! You guys are amazing! Enjoy this one!

Stay Strong, love you❤

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