Chapter 25

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Normal POV

After having dinner last night, Demi and Samira took a plane to Toronto, as Demi was having her next concert there. She woke up soon, so she was sat in her bed reading the 28th letter of Wilmer while Samira slept.

Letter number 28:

"After that surprise you gave me in my birthday, we spent the most beautiful 11 months ever. We lived in a cloud from which we didn't want to come down. It was already December 24th 2012. You were smiling from ear to ear. You had always loved Christmas time, but you loved it even more since you had to spent 2010's Christmas in treatment.

Our families had already approved our relationship and that year was the first time I was going to spend Christmas Eve night with you and your family in Texas.

Do you remember when you introduced me to your grandparents? And when you introduced me to your uncle, aunt and cousins? I totally do.

You always said you had everything in control, but I knew you still used to get nervous those days because we use to eat more than normal, so I also remember squeezing your hand behind the table when we were having Christmas dinner. I smiled to you giving you the "you can do it" look every time your grandma put in the table a different plate.

That night, after making jokes with your family, playing cards with everyone and singing Christmas carols, you led me to your bedroom and we lay down in your bed. We didn't speak for a while; we just lay down hugging while staring to the ceiling.

-This has been the best Christmas Eve so far. I mean, I have had an amazing time, and I got to have dinner without stressing out too much about it. And I feel happy know! After eating, I feel happy and okay! –You said enthusiastic.

-I'm so happy for you my love; I've also had an incredible night. Your family was so nice to me! –I answered to you.

-I don't want us to be apart never more! Not even a day! –You looked at me. –Wilmer, If I'm being so strong and I'm getting better it's because of your unconditionally support. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you. I want to spend my whole life next you. –You said to me and you pecked my lips.

-Demi, I know I'm helping you but I want you to realize that even if I'm helping you, you are the one taking out the strength you have inside of you. That strength will always let you make all the things you put your mind to. Trust me, it's all here. –I told you while pointing to your heart and head. –Of course, I also want to spend my life next to you.

-How many children are we going to have? –You asked.

-Demi, are you serious? –I leaned towards you –Are you really thinking about that now? –I laughed.

-I don't know! I was just thinking about us getting old together and I visualized us surrounded my babies. –You explained.

-Oh, well I don't know...I think it's soon to think about it! –I laughed. –But yeah, I also see you carrying our 7th baby while I play with the other 6 ones. –I told you.

Your face went white.


I laughed so much I couldn't breathe.

-Of course not baby! I was just joking! –I kept laughing.

-ugh, I hate you! –You told me laughing while you hit me with a cushion.

This always brings me good memories and it also draws a big smile in my face. I can't wait to spend my life with you, and I can't wait to meet our children...Te amo."

-What are you doing? –Samira asked Demi raising her head from the pillow with her eyes half opened.

-Oh! You are awake! –Demi looked at her. –I woke up soon and I continued reading Wilmer's letters! It's getting interesting! –She laughed. –Also, before I started reading I thought about the perfect plan for you to get reunited with your family...

-REALLY? –Samira stood up straight away.

-Yep! –Demi half smiled. –I thought about making a contest to win 2 tickets for my last show in Indiana with hotel and plane tickets included, and your sister is going to win!

-DEMI THAT'S BRILLIANT! –Samira shouted. –But that's a trick contest...

-I know, but it's for a good cause! –Demi confirmed while laughing. –Anyway I have thought about something to make us feel better...We will give away another two tickets for another winner, this one a real winner. –She said excitedly.

-Okay! This is to get my family back!! –Samira shouted again. –WE ARE GONNA GET IT!

-Of course we are!!! Does your sister have a twitter account? –Demi asked.

-Yeah!! She was a Lovatic, you know, she owns an account whole dedicated to you! –Samira rolled her eyes.

-Aww, don't be jealous! –Demi joked. –How is she called in twitter?

-She's @NeverLeavingUDemi.

-Okay! I'll make my team know about the contest and we'll make sure @NeverLeavingUDemi wins! –Demi winked at Samira.

-You are so wise Demetria Devonne! –Samira shouted.

Samira's POV

I was watching Demi perform and I was so happy thinking about that in just four days my sister was going to fulfill her dream. She was going to see and meet her idol and I was going to be next to her. I still couldn't understand why the destiny wanted to help me because the same way it made me lose my family, it made me meet Demi, who made me get better and who will help me to get my family back.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I went inside the backstage; I took it out and picked up.

-Hi –I started to talk.

-Hello, is that Samira? –A woman replied.

-Yes, I am. Who am I speaking to?

-I'm Dianna, Demi's mom. Is she available?

-Oh Dianna, I didn't recognize your voice. Sorry, she's performing yet –I told Dianna. –Any news about Eddie?

-YES, SAMIRA! That's why I'm calling!!!!!!!! –She shouted. –HE WOKE UP! HE IS AWAKE AND THE DOCTORS TOLD US HE IS OUT OF DANGER!!

-Oh my God Dianna!! That's amazing!!! I need to tell her right now!!!! –I said happily.

-Thank you honey, I'm sorry for being rude to you all this time... -She told me clearly feeling guilty. –Thank you for being there for Demi all this time.

-It's okay; you don't need to thank me for that. I just returned her what she did for me. –I answered proudly. –I'm going to tell Demi the big news! Talk to you later!

As soon as I hung the phone, I ran to the side of the stage where I was before I got the call of Demi's mom. I was smiling so big my smile was about to come out of my face. When I heard "Thank you so much Toronto! I'll be back very soon! I love you" and I saw the lights go off, I ran to her.

-DEMI!!!! –I shouted while I jumped on her. –Your mom called!!!! Your dad woke up from the coma! HE IS OUT OF DANGER!!!

Right after I finished that sentence Demi hugged me tight and she started to cry.

-Oh my God Samira! Thanks goodness! –She managed to say between sobs and smiles. –I'm so happy Samira.

-I'm very happy too. –I answered stroking her hair and smiling in relief.


Hey guys!

I hope you liked this chapter.  I'm sorry It took so long for me to be able to upload again, but I've been really busy studying.

I hope you keep reading my fanfic! It's just 5 chapters left!

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Hope you're doing okay! Love you, stay trong❤

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