Chapter 8

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Normal POV

February 14th. Saint Valentine's day was there. Demi wasn't really happy because Wilmer wasn't going to be near this time, but she was smiling while she was eating the chocolates and smelling the flowers his Valentine had sent her.

It was 12pm but she was still at bed. She was very tired because of her show yesterday in Anaheim. She took the phone and called WIlmer. He didn't even wait a minute to pick up.

-You didn't have to baby...-Said Demi.

-But I wanted to mi amor, you deserve it- Wilmer answered.

-It sucks we can't be together my Valentine...-She laughed-But we'll soon be, so don't worry!

Wilmer who was laughing stopped.

-Demi, I wanted to talk to you about that...-he took a big breath-I won't be able to be with you next boss...he postponed my week off...I'll be in Europe shooting.

-NO FUCKING WAY!-Demi yelled.

-I know I got really mad too but we need to go to Europe now...It's sounds unbelievable, I know, but it's the truth.

Demi couldn't say anything.

-I'm sorry Dem...

-It's okay...I just need to hug you so bad.

-I know, I need to kiss your lips till I can't breath hermosa...I promise you'll get a suprise when I'll get to see you...-He said.

-I can't wait Wilmer...-She sighed-Which places are you visiting in Europe?-Demi asked calming down.

-Well, we'll be visiting five cities: Paris, Bilbao, Amsterdam, Florence and London. They have told us they are really beautiful places!

-Wow! That will be amazing! It sounds wonderful!-Demi replied astonished.

-Yeah, It will, but I'll keep calling you! What are you doing today?-

-I don't really know...I have free day today too till tomorrow's concert in Glendale...I'm thinking about telling the team to fly today there so we can rest till the concert tomorrow night...So I guess I'll go for a walk there...And when are you flying to Europe?

-Yeah, It will be better if you go to Glenade today...We're flying there in two days!

-Wow! That's soon! Oh my God...I miss you so much...

-I miss you too princesa-He said.

-Talk to you later, okay? I'm going to tell Max to fly to Glendale now...

-Okay preciosa (very beautiful), te amo mucho, talk to you soon!-Wilmer said.

-Te amo, happy Valentine's day.

-Happy Valentine's day D...

Some hours later they took the plane. It was a sunny but cold February evening. Demi put her sunglasses on and with a grey hoodie and a white pillow she walked down Glenade's airport.

There were just a few fans there because they didn't really know the hour she was arriving there.

She stopped and she took some photos with the exciting fans till Max pushed her by her back, so she waved at them and turned back to the car.

-Do you want to eat at the hotel or out?-Max asked her while they headed to the car.

-Maybe we can take something to carry to the hotel at Mc Donald's?-Demi answered.

They took the car and Max drove to the nearest Mc Donald's.

-What do you want to eat?-Max said parking the car.

-I'd love to have some chiken nuggets, deluxe chips and a coke.


-McFlurry ice-cream, please-Demi smiled.

-Okay, stay here, I'll be right back in some minutes-Max answered and left the car.

Demi switched on the radio and started to sing along when she realized the homeless girl at the Mc Donald's door asking for some dollars.

She switched off the radio, she got out of the car and she approached to that girl.

-Hi I'm Demi-She said smiling to the woman.

-Do you think I don't know who you are?- The girl answered rolling her eyes.

-I just wanted to give you 30$ for you to eat something. Also, I wanted to tell you it's gonna be okay. There's light at the end of the tunnel-Demi said.

-Yeah, it must to be easy to say that when you have millions of dollars in  your bank account, no?-The girl  replied upset.

-Just take the money, please-Demi tryed to reach out the girl's box to let the money.

-I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!!!-The girl stood up while yelling and some little plastic bags fell down of her jacket.

-Wait, what's that? Is that what I think it is? Drugs?-Demi asked helping the girl to collec the bags.


-You need help, seriously, recovery is worth it!


-What's wrong Demi? Come on, we're leaving! Didn't I tell you to stay inside the car?-Max said to Demi getting out of the Mc Donald's.

-I'm going Max, sorry!-Demi opened her purse, took a piece of paper and wrote her work's phone number-Please, think about this and call me If you change your mind. I'll be there to help you-Demi put the paper and the 30$ dollars next to the girl and she ran back to the car.


Hey guys!!! It's been 4 months! I'm so sorry! This school year has been crazy but It has finally ended and I got the mark I needed to enter university! But now is SUMMER TIME and I'm back writting! I really hope you have liked this chapter and that you'll keep reading 'To the moon and back'!
I love you very much and stay strong ❤

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