Chapter 21

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Demi's POV

I felt so bad when Samira told me about why her parents kicked her out of home. I knew it had to be something serious because she never wanted to talk about it. Anyway, I'm really proud of her getting the help she need to get better. Jessica, the psychologist I found for her who had helped me sometimes too, is helping her a lot, and thanks to Jessica Samira is getting to be more open with her past.

After her session two days ago, she spent an awful evening crying, but I comforted her the way I could.

I'm happy because she is learning that it's okay to talk to people when we are sad, and also, that there's nothing wrong with being sad sometimes. It's something we need to experience to know what happiness is. Being sad is normal. Everybody has those times.

Today we are in Omaha in the state of Nebraska for my 21st concert. The tour is coming to an end, and I really hope I can gather Samira with her family again. I need to know everything about her family so I can do that, and I also want to know about her little sister Harmony. I definitely need to know about her because looks like she is part of my fam-base and I'm sure I can do something for her.

Samira just needs to get more confident talking about it and I'll do everything I can! We just have 15 days left!!

Normal POV

The night arrived and Demi was on the stage. It was the first concert Samira was attending before she told Demi about her sister. She was looking at her happily when she remembered Harmony again. She tried to avoid those thoughts and feelings but in less than a minute she felt a tear ran down her cheek.

In that moment, Demi looked at Samira, she let her microphone into the microphone's stand and she headed to the piano. She sat in the chair next to the piano and started to talk.

-I have the need to tell you guys tonight, I don't consider you my fans anymore because you are so much more than that to me. You are my friends, my family-She smiled at Samira who was in the 1st row-I care a lot about you. I care about every each one of you. And this is because, before I opened about my issues with you all, I thought I was having a lot of fun with you all and that I was living my dream. But actually, there's nothing worthier than looking out to the audience and seeing a true connection between an artist and a lot of strangers that are only united by music-She said pointing at the audience and putting her hand upon her heart. Then she continued-I have this amazing connection with you guys because whenever I meet you, and you tell me I have saved your life....that means more than anything to me.

The crowd was shouting hysterically and Samira was crying, but not because she was sad this time. She was proud, happy and thrilled of the stranger who was talking on stage, the stranger who had become her friend in just weeks.

-I sometimes feel like you get bored hearing me, because I always talk to you about my issues. But I know a lot of you are struggling with something that I have also struggled or that I'm still struggling with and...I feel like...I still have to do that If I can yet help people....Eating disorders, self-harm, drugs...You guys...this issues are difficult to deal with, but...recovery it's so worthy...You just need to ask for help and it will work!

-WE LOVE YOU DEEEEEMI!-The Lovatics shouted.

-I just want to tell you guys that you are worthy of love and you are worthy of life. And that your incredible and beautiful souls out there are going to have such amazing and bright futures...I believe in all of you-Demi winked at Samira, and Samira made a heart with her hands and she whispered "I love you".

When the concert ended Demi and Samira went back to backstage together.

-Hey, that was amazing Dem! Thank you for doing that!-Samira told her friend.

-You don't have to thank! You know that's what friends do!

-I love you so so so much!-Samira said and hugged Demi.

Demi freaked out because Samira had never told her she loved her. But then smiled and hugged her back.

-I love you too baby girl.

Suddenly, Max came to them with a concerned face.

-Demi! You've got a call! It's very important!-He said handing the phone to Demi.

-Who is it?-Demi said before putting the phone into her ear.

-It's your mom! Apparently the robbers came back!!-Max replied.

-WHAT THE HELL!-Demi shouted and answered the phone-MOM? ARE YOU ALL OKAY?

-DEMI! You were right! The robbers came back home! They stole us again and they hit dad!!!!-Dianna said while crying.


-The police arrested the robbers but before that, they had already punched dad-She sobbed-He is unconscious because they hit him in the head! We are in the ambulance going to the emergency room now! Madison is okay! She got to hide while dad tried to protect us!

-Goddammit! We are flying to Texas right now!!! See you later mom!! Beg dad to stay alive!-Demi said wiping her tears and hanging up.


Hey guys!!

I'm sorry for the delay! I ended my final exams this week so I didn't have time to write till now!

Hope you like this chapter and I also hope you are doing okay!

Give feedback, comment suggestions or just your opinion!

Thank you for reading! Love you, stay strong❤

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