Chapter 30

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Demi's POV

It's 6am and we are in the plane flying to Indianapolis, where my last concert will be. Samira is in the seat next to mine, sleeping. I can't believe she got to sleep. She has been trying to sleep the whole night, she was so excited for today that she just couldn't. I bend, take my purse behind my seat and I search for the last Wilmer's letter.

Letter number 31, the end:

"Hola preciosa,

If you are reading this it must be March 30th, the last day of your Neon Lights Tour, and the day you are closer to get your surprise.

Thank you for being part of my little game of letters, and also for being patient, not being able to be together, and waiting for more than a month to get the surprise I promised you when you left.

I know this is a very special day for you, so I hope you have a dreaming day, a day you will remember forever.

Today is the day.

                                                                                                                                            Te amo,

                                                                                                                                                   Wilmer Valderrama"

"Ladies and gentlemen passengers, we are going to land. Please fasten your seat belts", I hear when I finish reading the letter.

-Samira, put on your seat belt. We are about to land -I tell her. She opens her eyes and she does it.

We are walking around the Indianapolis' airport now. There are some screaming Lovatics at our arrival gate. Samira hides her face behind my sunglasses, because she doesn't want to be seen with me.

We are waking around Indianapolis' airport. There are some screaming Lovatics at our arrival gate. Samira hides her face behind my sunglasses, because she doesn't want to be seen with me. She doesn't want her sister to see her with me yet, so she tries for the paparazzis not to take picture of her.

I wave my fans and I take as much photos as I can, until Max pushes me to the car.

Samira's POV

IT'S THE DAAAAAAAY! IT'S THE FUCKING DAAAAAAY!!! I'm so excited I haven't been able to sleep the whole night! I'm going to meet with my mom and my sister oh my God!!! It's sad I'm not going to see my dad as well, but anyway I will see him tomorrow 'CAUSE I'M GOING BACK HOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have just arrived to the arena, because as today is the last concert, we are not staying in a hotel. We get inside and we see how everyone is already working to prepare the stage, and everything for tonight.

-Wanna eat something? -Demi asks me while we leave the bags into her Camerino.

-Yeeeeeeep, please! -I reply as happy as singing birds.

Demi opens her bag and she throws me a plastic bag full of cookies. I take a seat and I open the bag ready to eat. Then Demi closes her bag, she takes a seat next to me, and she steals me a cookie.


I bet she is as nervous and excited as me.

-I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED! -I reply as soon as I hear her question. -What about you?

-SAME HERE! -She shouts back. -I'm so so so excited for you to meet your family, and also I'm excited 'cause today's is the last concert, and that means I'm seeing Wilmer very soon, which also means I'm getting my surprise really soon! -Demi smiles happily.

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