Chapter 10

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Normal POV

Demi had the phone in her ear but she wasn't almost listening to what the girl was saying.

-Yes, I am. I am the girl you met some hours ago at the Mc Donald's...You told me you could help me so that's why I'm calling you...-The girl sounded scared-I want your help.

Demi was too shocked too speak.

-Hey? Demi?-The girl said confused.

-Oh! Yes! Sorry! I'm here. Of course, I'll be glad to help you-She stuttered-Do you have money enough to take a taxi?

-Yes, I have the money you gave me...-She replied nervously.

-Okay. Let me give you the address to my hotel, you will sleep here and I'll help you get through this difficult time.

-That's sounds amazing Demi...I won't be able to thank you enough-The girl cried.

-Please, don't cry and take that taxi! I'll be waiting for you!

They hung up the phone and Demi informed her team that a friend of her was coming to sleep in some minutes. They all nodded and she headed back to her hotel suite. As she had to stay awake to welcome the girl, she took the next letter of Wilmer.

Letter number 5:

"That night at the hospital was horrible. I spent four hours at the waiting room. No company. Alone. You were already 18 so I wasn't forced to call your family (Obviously, I was going to tell them about it, but not at 4am) and there I waited till a doctor came to the room and uttered:

-Family or friends of Miss Demetria Devonne Lovato?

I stood up right at the moment I heard your name and he came straight to me.

-She's okay. She's clean and she's sleeping now. You should watch her because It seems like it's not the first time...Also, You should look up at her meals...She's malnourished. She needs to eat food with more proteins and vitamins. Is there any sign that she suffers from an eating disorder? -The doctor asked serious.

- I...I just know she does have a little complex of her weight...But I didn't know she was malnourished. I'm really stunned.

-Well, some other doctors and I have been talking about it and we think she needs help. She weighs 15kg less than a normal girl of her height and she is near the limit of the anorexia. This is very serious.

-Oh my God. I can't believe this. I'm going to talk to her and her family for sure. We need to take precautions to change this. Thank you so much doctor.

Some days later I talked to you and you told me it was okay. You told me you didn't need help and you promised me you were going to eat. But that wasn't even close to the truth.

Five days later, when I went to visit you, I saw you purging at the bus of the "Camp Rock 2" Tour. A day after, you were high due to all the shit you had taken. Two days later, you punched a mate of the tour and in just a week, your parents after fighting with you, they got to carry you to "TK", the treatment center. Even you didn't want to go, we believed it was the way to peace. We believed in you, and you didn't let us down.❤"

Normal POV

A knock on the door made Demi stood up from the couch, she approached the door and saw Max in front of her.

-Your invited is here-Max said having next to him the young girl she met at the fast food restaurant.

-Thank you Max!-Demi answered-Come on in!-She said encouraging the girl to get into the suite.

The girl got inside the room. She was cold and wet because of the rain.

-You have to be cold-Demi told the girl while she searched a pajamas inside her traveling bag-You can try this!-She handed her one of hers.

The girl took Demi's pajamas without even looking at her.

-Hey, don't be scared or even less ashamed. I know perfectly how you are feeling but I'm here to help. Trust me, It will be okay-Demi smiled and pointed the bathroom-You can get dressed there.

When she got out of the bathroom she sat at the suite's sofa and Demi sat next to her.

-Won't you talk? Come on! What's your name?

The girl looked at Demi and answered.

-I'm Samira. I think I shouldn't be here-She stood up ready to leave.

-Hey, hey, stop! You will stay here. You will recover and you will be happy-Demi stopped the girl and they sat down again-How old are you? Where are you from?

-I'm 17 and I'm from Woodside in San Mateo County. Know it?

-Yes! And why did you come to Glendale? I left home?

-Yes, I had to. I left home. I came here with a friend.

-And where is your friend now?

-He...He...He's in jail.

-Oh my God...Drugs, right?

-Yes...A big part is because of that.

-And...where's your family? Do you have a family?

-I don't want to talk about families now, ok?- She shouted-Sorry, I'm not ready.

-Okay, don't worry. Relax. We'll have time to talk about everything-Demi put her hand on Samira's back- I think we need to sleep. That's your bed-She showed Samira her bed- We need time. You will have to come on tour with me...If that's not a problem for you...- She said lying in her bed.

Samira was getting inside her bed too when she listened that. She suddenly smiled. It was a long time she didn't smile. It was a long time she didn't sleep under a roof over her head. Into a real bed. She felt she was lucky for once in months and she couldn't waste this opportunity to get better.

-Demi?-Samira said from her bed.


-Thank you-She replied closing her eyes and falling asleep.


Hey guys! Have you enjoyed this chapter? I hope you liked it and I hope you vote and comment because it's so cool when you do that!
I'm sorry It took me some weeks to write but I was traveling. I hope you are having a great summer and also I wish a very good luck for those going back to school these days!
Stay strong beautifuls❤

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