Chapter 12

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Normal POV

Wilmer was cuddled to Demi who had fallen asleep. They were both naked under the bed sheets, skin-to-skin. He was looking to the ceiling thinking on how happy she made him. He was really happy for the choice he had made of visiting Demi.

-Babe...Amor...-He whispered trying to wake Demi up.

Demi opened one of her eyes and she closed it again.

-Demi!-Wilmer said laughing-Wake up! It's 12am, you're supposed to eat with Samira.

-I'm so tired...- She yawned and then she hugged Wilmer tight.

-Tired? Duh I see you are losing skills-He kept laughing.

-Hey! I woke up early, I went to the gym and then I worked out more with you! I can be tired If I want to!-She said serious.

Wilmer stared at her girlfriend for some seconds and laughed.

-God, I missed you-And they kissed again.

-Stop Wilmer, leave that energy for tonight. We will have to say goodbye to each other properly-She winked at him.

-Oh my God, you are going to kill me-He muttered.

-hahahahaha. Well, do you mind to come with Samira and with me to have lunch? I had thought about take her shopping after lunch, because she really needs new clothes...And then you know, I have a concert at 9pm...

-Of course I will, and I'll go to your concert as well. I'll take the plane tomorrow at 7am so I'll sleep here-He explained.

-That's okay! I'll call Samira now!

Demi called Samira and the 3 of them went to a restaurant to have lunch.

Demi was nervous because she really wanted Samira and Wilmer to get along well. But that wasn't going to be a problem.

-Well, I think I owe you an apology for what happened at the morning-Wilmer told Samira when they took a seat at the restaurant.

-Oh, not really...I understand your position-The girl said serious.

-No, but I see how well you get along with Demi and I see I was totally wrong-He said-I'm sorry.

-Okay, I'm sorry for answering the call too, I should have waited till Demi could talk-She also apologized.

Demi was happily looking at both.

-Well, so let's start over. I'm Wilmer Valderrama, I'm 34 and I'm Demi's boyfriend-He smiled.

-Hi Wilmer. I'm Samira Jones, 17 years old and I'm nice to meet you.-She laughed and shook hands with Wilmer- By the way, I already knew you were her boyfriend-Samira giggled.

-Amazing! The busybody girl and the grumpy boyfriend apologize to each other! I'm happy you guys know each other well, now, can we eat?- Demi said-I'm fucking starving!!

Wilmer and Samira broke up laughing.

-Hey, what's wrong Demi? You are very hungry! Too much exercise this morning?-Samira winked at them.

Wilmer and Demi got shocked thinking about what Samira was thinking.

-Guys! Don't be ashamed! I don't know what you did this morning!-She giggled-It's just obvious.

The three of them burst out laughing.

-You know, that's what happens when you don't see your boyfriend for a month...-Demi chuckled.

-Yeah...We just, we needed know, we saw a bed and we just...

-Stop it! Stop it guys! I don't need examples neither details! That was enough!-Samira shouted.

They burst out laughing again.

After having a great lunch, they headed to Glendale's shopping centre.

Demi and Wilmer bought Samira some t-shirts, shirts, jeans and a really beautiful dress. Also, some boots and shoes. After that, they went back to the hotel so they could have a nap to be rested for the concert.

The evening arrived fast and Demi was already singing on the stage, and the Lovatics were crazily singing along to Demi's songs.

Samira and Wilmer were seeing her from a side of the stage.

Wilmer's POV

Demi's doing an amazing job but I can't stop looking at Samira who looks pretty sad. I don't really know why but she's constantly looking at the floor and closing her eyes.

-Samira, are you okay?-I asked her.

Suddenly she started crying.

-Hey! What's wrong?-I asked again.

-I just...I didn't have to be here-She said and she ran away.

I followed her and I saw her crying on a corner of the backstage.

-Hey, do you want to talk?

-I just miss my family so bad. I did something horrible, something I shouldn't have done. I'm a horrible person-She screamed.

-Samira, don't be so mean with yourself. Everybody makes mistakes. But those can always be changed, and sometimes, we just have to learn to forgive ourselves to move on-Said Wilmer stroking her arm-Can I know what happened to your family?

-I'd love to tell you Wilmer, I truly would love to. But I feel I'm not ready yet-She sobbed-I was into drugs, you know?

-Yes...Demi told me something about it...But you'll do okay! We believe in you!

-I just feel I need to take them right now. I don't know what to do...When I'm scared or anxious I need the drugs! I don't know how I will recover.

-Don't say that! Recovery is possible! Look at the girl on the stage! She did it! And so will you!-Wilmer cheered her up-Now come on, wipe those tears and show me how strong you are!

The concert was over and Samira, Demi and Wilmer were at the hotel's elevator going up with to their suites. Wilmer had paid for the suite next to Demi's and Samira's.

-Hey, I can't let this happen-Samira said serious while hearing how Demi and Wilmer were kissing behind her.

They stopped when they heard that.

-I mean, I can't let you guys sleep separated when it's the last night you are spending together before you see each other again in a long time-She smirked-I'll sleep at Wilmer's so you can spend the last hours together.

-You don't mind?-Demi smiled.

-Of course not!

They got out of the elevator and Wilmer opened his suite.

-So, it's all yours! Sleep well, Samira!

-Thank you guys, and same to you, even though I know that 'Sleeping' is the less likely thing you are going to do tonight...-She laughed and winked at them- Have fun!-And she closed the door.

Once more, Demi and Wilmer burst out laughing and then they entered their suite too.


Hey guys!

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Hope you're doing okay! Love you, stay trong❤

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