Chapter 22

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Normal POV

As soon as Demi knew about the situation of Eddie, she talked with Max and they took a private jet from Omaha to Dallas. In Dallas they got a rented car and Max drove Demi and Samira to the hospital where Eddie and all the family of Demi were.

Demi didn't say a word since she got the call from her mom. She had mixed feelings and she was in a total shock.

-Good night. Could you tell us the number of Eddie DeLaGarza's room, please? He just got here like two hours and a half ago-Max said with Demi and Samira behind him.

-Good night! Of course, it will take a minute-The receptionist of the hospital said-Oh...Mr. Eddie DeLaGarza is in the Intensive Care Unit. First floor, eighth room.

-Fuck! He is in the ICU?-Demi finally said with her eyes going wet.

Max pushed Demi gently from her back leading her to the elevator.

-Demi!!!!-Madison shouted crying while she ran to her sister who was getting out of the elevator.

Demi and her little sister hugged each other tight. Madison couldn't stop crying and Demi had her eyes closed trying not to cry, she had to be strong for her sister.

-Demi, dad is unconscious! He has a severe wound in the head and the doctors say it's a serious injury!-Madison got to say between sobs while she leaned on her sister's shoulder.

-It's okay baby girl-Demi said stroking her sister's hair.

-Is he going to die?-Madison said raising her head and looking to Demi in her eyes.

Demi looked at her sister who was really concerned about her dad's health and she didn't know what to say. It looked like it was a serious situation but, what should she answer?

Suddenly her mom approached her.

-Demi! You are here! Finally!-Dianna said hugging her daughter-Dad is in comma and he is in the ICU. Only one person can get into the room per 30 minutes, and we can only stay with him 10 minutes! It's so cold in the room and he is naked with a lot of cables! It's so scary!

Demi released herself from her mother's arms.

-It's been a month since the robbery. A month since you kicked us out of home!! A month since I told you that you were wrong and that you should call the police for this not to happen!!!-Demi yelled at her mom-But you decided not to believe Samira, and you decided not to even believe your own daughter-She started to cry-YOU DIDN'T CALL TO APOLOGIZE! YOU DIDN'T EVEN CALL TO KNOW HOW I WAS!

-Demi, I'm sorry! I know I really messed up this time!-Dianna told her daughter-But you can forgive me now, can't you?

-I don't feel like talking with you right now, I just want to see Dad-Demi said leaving her mom broken in the middle of the hospital's corridor.

Demi's POV

I ran to Eddie's room dodging every people who were in the corridor.

I approached the door, and when I saw that none of my family members were inside with my dad, I went in.

My mom was right this time. It was too scary. Dad was naked and covered with white bed sheets. He had a lot of cables in his body and he had a bandage in his head, covering the wound he had there.

I got closer to him and I took his hand.

-HEY! YOU!-A nurse yelled at me-Haven't you read the rules?-She added pointing at the sign over the bed where Eddie was-You can't touch the patients in the ICU!

I hadn't read the rules. Actually, I didn't have anything better to do in the situation I was. Reading some kind of rules is the last thing I think about doing when my dad's life is at risk.

I released Eddie's hand and I went backwards.

-I'm sorry-I said.

"Ugh, this famous people...They think they can do whatever they want", I heard the nurse mutter. Anyway, I didn't have the strength to answer her, so I just ignored it.

-Eddie...I don't know if you are listening to me...I just want to think that you are...-I told him-We all are here waiting for you to wake up...We know you are very strong and that you'll manage to wake up! Won't you!?-I tried to be funny, but my voice cracked-I...I want to thank you for always being so protective with my family...this happened to you because you were protecting mom and Madison...-I wiped my tears-I don't know if I have ever told you've been the closest thing to a father for've been a very important person in my life and you have helped me in a lot of difficult times...I love you so much and you have to know we believe in you and...we won't ever move away from you.

-Hello...I'm sorry but you have to leave now, you've already spent ten minutes with him-Another nurse said to me.

I looked at the nurse and nodded.

-I love you dad, see you very soon!-I said to him and I left the room covered in tears.

Samira's POV

I saw how Demi got out of the room where her dad was. She was broken and she was crying inconsolably. I headed to her and I hugged her tightly.

-Calm down, he's gonna be okay!-I whispered to her.

She just kept crying into my shoulder.

-Can I go in?-I asked.

Demi looked at me and nodded.

-Samira?! She doesn't even know him!-Demi's mom said about me.

-SHE CAN IF SHE WANTS TO!-Demi yelled at her mom.

I went inside the room and I relied on the door.

-Hi, I'm Samira...-I told Eddie-Yes, Demi's friend- I clarified-I want to make sure that you don't have any guilt about everything that happened...I don't really know you but Demi always talked very well about you!-I looked at the floor-Look...there are three broken girls out there and another one in the way to the hospital. They need you more than anything and you know that...Please, promise me you are going to wake up! I believe you can, I'll pray for you and I'll give you all my strength. Please, stay alive-I said.

Suddenly, a loud and constant beeping rang. I looked around and I didn't understand anything. I looked up the crystallized walls of the room and I saw Demi's family screaming and crying hysterically.

-Get out! Get out!-A bunch of nurses that entered the room told me while pushing me out of the room.

-It's a cardiac arrest!!-One of them shouted.

-CALL THE DOCTORS! NOW!-Another one shouted.


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