Chapter 27

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Normal POV

It was the perfect day to get everything prepared for the huge day! As Demi was having a day off, she woke up soon to go to the gym. She was so excited, that getting up early was not a problem for her. She dressed her tracksuit, put on her sneakers, took the keys of the suite, and then she approached to Samira's bed.

-Sam –Demi whispered –I'm leaving to the gym.

-Okay –Samira replied with her eyes closed.

Demi grinned as she saw Samira turn a blind eye to continue sleeping.

-I'll be back soon –She added and left the suite.

An hour later Demi got in the suite flushed from working out, and with a breakfast box in her hands.

-Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!!! –Demi told Samira while putting the box into the countertop of the little kitchen.

-Morning! How was the gym? –Samira asked making the beds. -What do you bring in that box that smells delightfully? –She asked again, this time dropping one of the bed sheets' and closing her eyes to that good smell.

- You have a great sense of smell Sleeping Beauty! –Demi joked.

-Yep, I do! Now tell me! I'm so hungry!

-After working out I went to the bakery next to the hotel and I bought our breakfast! –Demi replied. –Two cups of hot chocolate and some pastries!

-YUUUUUUUUUUMY! –Samira shouted.

-If you don't mind I'll have a shower first, and we can have breakfast then.

-Okay! I'll finish making the beds.

Demi's POV

I go to the bathroom, I open the tap and I pour some shower gel letting the water run while I take some clothes to dress after the bath. I open one of my suitcases and I take another combination of underwear, some black leggings and a grey t-shirt. On the way back to the bathroom I see the pile of Wilmer's letters into the coffee table. I get close to it and I take the 29th letter.

When I get back to the bathroom, I see the bath full of water and gel bubbles, so I took off my clothes and I get in the bath. I dive into the water to wet my hair, and then I support my head in the bathroom wall while I take Wilmer's letter and I start to read.

Letter number 29:

"Do you remember our first trip to Disneyland? I bet you do! Hahahaha

It was on a Saturday, April the 13th. Our fans didn't accept that we were together, so we had been secretly dating for two years, more or less. But we were a bit bored of always hanging out in the same places; places where people wouldn't find us. So one day, we decided to spend the day in Disneyland, not caring about what could happen there.

We got there and walked around the park with our black caps and sunglasses. Sometimes, people stopped walking to look at us and I got nervous, 'cause I knew how important it was for you to keep our relationship secret. But suddenly, when some teenagers were looking at us, you whispered into my ear, "I don't give a shit", and you held my hand right after that. I smiled happily, and we kept walking.

The day was coming to an end and we were about to leave the park when you told me:

-Wilmer, the park is about to shut its doors and people is going to see the last Disney's character's parade of the day, so the big roller coaster will be empty...

-What do you mean? –I asked you.

-I mean we could go on a ride into the roller coaster...

-But... –I tried to talk, but you interrupted me.

-Come on Wilmer! No one will see us from up there! –You told me.

–Or is it that you are afraid of roller coasters? –You said teasing me.

–I'm not afraid of roller coasters! – I said chuckling.

You were right. When we approached there, no one was in the line of the fairgroundride. The man who was almost ready to leave recognized us, I supposed hisdaughter or son would be one of your Lovatics hahahaha, so he let us got on theride.

THE ROLLER COASTER WAS SO BIG I WAS ABOUT TO THROW MYSELF TO THE GROUND FROM UP THERE!! I was feeling so dizzied that I closed my eyes while I heard you shout and laugh in joy.

-Wilmer, are you okay? –You shouted.

-I'm just a bit dizzied... But glad you are having fun! –I said.

-Do you want to know something? –You shouted again.

-Demi, I don't know what are you about to say, but I think this is not the right time to talk –I replied with my eyes still closed and praying for the ride to end soon.


I opened my eyes right after you shouted that. You shouted you loved me up in the air, and I knew what that meant. You didn't mind who could listen to you, you loved me, and that was what mattered most.


When we get off the fairground ride and we put our caps and sunglasses back, we saw a group of four girls looking at us, and when we walked by their side to leave the park, one of them whispered to us:

-You make a perfect couple! –And she winked at us while her friends nodded.

We smiled to them and went home knowing we had just take the first step to stop living in captivity..."


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