Chapter 9

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Demi's POV

Max and I arrived to the hotel and we went to our rooms. I put my pajamas on and I started to eat my chicken nuggets. At that instant, I remembered I had to keep reading Wilmer's letters so I took the 4th one and I started reading it.

Letter number 4:

"After that party at my house, we woke up and we talked about what had happened the night before. We spent hours talking and talked about some of your issues. I didn't have any idea of any of them till that morning. I got petrified. I wanted to help you and I told you I was going to be there for you when you needed me. You could count on me. You smiled and you looked at me in my eyes...oh! I got lost in that wonderful gaze!

We soon started to get closer, and closer and even closer till your lips touched mines. I liked you...but I was afraid. I was too afraid. You were 18 and I was 31. You were too young. I couldn't do that.

-Demi...-I separated our lips and I took your head in my hands-Stop. We can't do this...-I whispered you.

-Why not? What's wrong?-You said upset.

-You are a child and I'm 13 years older...This is not okay.

-I'm 18 Wilmer and I'm not a child anymore. Age doesn't matter, it's just a number.

-I know Demi, but...It's too soon....I need time.

-You don't like me, it's normal- You stood up and you headed out of the house.

-Demi, wait!-I said going following you- I do like you but it's better if we are friends for now.

But you didn't listen and you took your car and you left .

I couldn't sleep that night because I knew you were angry at me.

My mobile vibrating got me out of my thoughts. It was you.

-Wilmer?- I heard. I couldn't listen properly. I could only listen to a lot of people laughing, singing and shouting.

-Demi?! Where are you? Are you okay?

-Hey! I'm not Demi! I'm one of her bestiez! Could you come to pick her up? I think she has drank and smoked too much weed-Your friend told me like If it was a normal thing.

-WHAT? WHERE IS SHE?-She was laughing and I couldn't stand her, you know I can't stand her now neither- CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK DEMI IS?- I couldn't avoid cursing.

-You keep calm duh!! She's lying down on a bench of the 'The Japanese Garden'. Come as fast as you can! We want to keep partying!-She laughed again.

-Don't move please! I'll be there right now!-I quickly took the car and drove there.

I arrived to the 'The Japanese Garden' park and I saw the huge party you and your "friends" had there, and when I got closer I saw your odious friend.

-Where is Demi?!

-Oh hi! You drive very fast!-She winked at me and pointed at the bench you were on-She's there.

I ran to the bench. You were cold and you weren't moving. I was getting more and more anguished.

-Demi please, I'm Wilmer. Open your eyes- I tried to open your eyes. You babbled something but I couldn't understand you.

-Demi, come on, you need to stand up. What have you taken?- I managed to sit you down.

-Demi! You can't even hold yourself up!!! YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR!! WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!- I stood you up and you started to threw up right in that moment. I led you to a tree so that you could hold onto it and I held your hair back as you continued to vomit. Then, I lifted you up and I carried you to the car to go to the hospital.

-Demi, don't fall asleep, please- I was constantly telling you while I drove. I was afraid of you getting unconscious.

I parked the car next to the emergency room's door and a doctor came to us soon.

-What's wrong?-He asked helping me to hold you.

-She drank and smoked too much, she's very cold and she's like unconcious!!! I think she's in an ethyl coma!!!-I said nervously.

The doctor touched your forehead and called to a lot of nurses and doctors:


"Omg! She's Demi Lovato!" a boy in the waiting room shouted. "And that's Wilmer Valderrama!!" said another one. "That's your idol? She was totally drunk!" an angry dad asked her daughter.

I saw how you were carried in a stretcher. In that moment I realized how much you really meant to me. I couldn't imagine losing you. I really loved you. I was in love with you.

Normal POV

Demi wiped the tears that were falling down her eyes. That letter was hard to read. Those weren't good memories. But she was happy, healthy and with Wilmer now.

Afterwards, Demi's phone started buzzing: "Unknown number".

-Hello? I'm Demi.-Nobody replied back-Hi?-Demi asked again.

-I'm sorry to disturb you...I need help. I want your help. Please, help me Demi-A crying girl said. YOU ARE THE GIRL FROM MC DONALD'S!!!!??-Demi said astonished.


Hi guys!

Have you liked this last one chapter? I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! Thank you for reading it! It means a lot! Feel free to comment anything you want!
Good night/morning/evening wherever you are in the world!
Love you, stay strong❤

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