Chapter 11

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Demi's POV

Next day, I woke up early to work out like every morning. I didn't wake Samira up because I could see how peacefully she was sleeping. I took my training stuff and I headed hotel's gym. I spent 45 minutes at the stationary bicycle and I went back to my room to have a shower.

Samira's POV

I listened how Demi got inside the bathroom to have a shower and I thought It was also the time for me to get up. I dressed my clothes, the only clothes I had and I sat in the bed waiting for Demi to get out of the bathroom. I was looking around the suite when I saw Demi's laptop's light flashing giving the sign of someone calling by video chat. I approached it and I picked up.

-Hi Demi is having a shower. She can't talk right now- I said thinking it wasn't a bad idea to answer.

The boy looked at me surprised.

-Sorry, who are you?- He said.

-I'm a friend of her.

Suddenly Demi left the bathroom and came to me.

-Oh Samira you are awake! How have you slept?- She said approaching me.

-Demi? - Wilmer said.

-Who are you talking to?- Demi squinted her eyes trying to see from the distance.

-He is Wilmer calling-Samira answered.

-How can you know him?-Demi said surprised.

-Well...He is famous!-Samira laughed.

She sat next to me and she took the laptop on her hands.

Normal POV

-Hi baby! How are you? I was having a shower and I couldn't pick up!

-Demi, who's that girl? - Wilmer asked.

-She's my new friend, Samira. I met her yesterday at Mc Donald's.

-You met her yesterday and she's already at your suite? Demi! That can be dangerous! - Wilmer frowned to show his disapproval.

-Wilmer! She's nice and she needs my help! I'll help her!

-I think I'm disturbing you guys. I'm going out of the room- Samira said leaving.

-Hey, don't leave! - Demi shouted seeing Samira closing the door.- Fuck Wilmer! You made her leave!!!

-Demi! But what the hell are you doing? Are you aware that you don't know her? How can you invite someone to your "home" when you've met her some hours ago? She can be a thief!! Or a killer! Or a...¡Por favor! (Please)

-Wilmer! Stop! She's just a 17 years old girl I met asking for money at the entrance of the Mc Donald's! She doesn't have a home to live on and she was into drugs!

-But Demi!

-SHUT THE FUCK UP WILMER! I ALSO NEEDED HELP WHEN YOU ALMOST DIDN'T KNOW ME AND YOU HELPED ME, DIDN'T YOU!? I promised her I was going to help her to get clean because she needs to get her family back! And I will, Wilmer. Let me be the helper this time-She shouted.

Both of them kept quiet and stared at each other through the screen for some minutes.

-Lo siento, Demi (I'm sorry)...I feel like lately, every time we talk we end up fighting...I'm so sorry...

-Yeah...I feel the same baby...I'm sorry too...

-I'm flying to Europe tomorrow...for two months...-He said sadly.

-And my tour ends in a we won't see each other in 30 days more - She sighed.

-Maybe...or maybe not? - Wilmer giggled.

-What do you mean?-Demi said with her eyes wide open.

-Wait a minute! I'm walking!-

-But where are you going? Wilmer! That corridor seems familiar to me! - She said surprised.

-Go, open the door!-He smiled.

-Oh come on Wilmer! Are you fucking kidding me!?- She left the laptop and she ran to the door.

And there he was standing in front of her suite's door. That latin man who stole her heart.

Demi jumped on Wilmer's arms.

-Wilmer!-She shouted almost crying and kissing his lips at the same time - What are you doing here?! What about Europe?!- She asked him between kisses.

-I said I was flying tomorrow! I still had today!- He kept kissing her.

They got inside the suite.

- What are you doing? - Wilmer asked Demi.

-I'm texting Samira. I'm telling her that my boyfriend is here and that she can ask Max to drive her wherever she wants to have breakfast, that we will see each other at lunch time.

-I'm sorry for judging you for helping that girl- He said kissing her neck.

-Don't worry! You'll meet her later and you'll see how nice she is - Demi while sending Samira the message.

-By the way...did you have breakfast?- He asked her girlfriend.

-Nope...I have it in front of me- Demi giggled while she kissed Wilmer and she started unbuttoning her boyfriend's plaid shirt.

-True! We've got a lot of pending work to do! - He said while carrying Demi to the bed.

They both laughed and they lay down on the bed kissing each other, ready to give free vent to the passion.


Hey guys!

After thinking a lot I thought It was a great idea to get Dilmer together for a day hahahaha

I hope you liked this chapter!

Like I said before I didn't write sooner because something happened and I wasn't feeling like writing and some days later Demi's management cancelled the only show she was giving in my country so ugh I was a bit sad. I hope you understand.

Anyway, I'll try to write sooner next time! Give feedback please :)

Hope you're doing okay! Love you, stay trong

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