Chapter 25 The War

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It's been a couple days since my wife died because of James. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and I've had many nightmares lately but I have to live through it like always. Man when I get my hands on James. "I can't take this anymore at all, it's pissing me off." "you need to calm down dude, I know you love your wife but he took her away from you." "I bet this is another set up, like what happened to you." "Casey, we need to talk about something." "alright, what is it." I wasn't working with James, I was locked up in James world, he made another me and faked the whole death. The Tony, who was hanging out at the school with you all the time, was James creation and he wanted to get revenge on you because of the torture, you cause him back in the day." "what do you mean, back in the day?" "like during Junior High."

I clinched my fist and looked down, "that bastered, why does he have to be so evil and a jackass?" We sat there and then the house started shaking, "what the hell." A bolder came throught the house and almost hit us. I looked at who threw it, and it was James. I jumped out of the house and tackled him to the ground. I started throwing punches and he blew me off. I went back and hit the ground. He got up and we stared at each other. A hole appeared and right before i went through, I grabbed James and said, "If I die you die. We went down the hole and it was pitch black. I hit him in the face and we were punching each other and then, we hit the ground. He tried to get up but I stopped him. "you anti going nowhere James." He kicked me in the face but I still had a hand on his leg. He kicked me again and again but I still wouldn't let go. "get your damn hand off my leg." He kicked me again and I almost let go but I held on again. My head was bleeding, my nose was broke and I couldn't feel my lip, my face was busted up because of the kicks I took from James. "will get off my leg." "no never, you took everything I had, so now I will return the favor. I grabbed my pocket knife out of my pocket and stabbed him with it. He yelled in pain and he fell to the ground. I pull the knife out and he grabbed his leg.

I grabbed James and through him into a pipe underground. He started crawling away but I got him, I picked him up and slammed him against the wall and a piece of stick cut him in the back. I kicked him and he grabbed his stomach and spit out spit. I raised my pocket knife and stabbed him right in the heart. I stabbed him again and again until he just stop moving or breathing. I grabbed a match and lit him on fire and he died. I had blood all over me and I had ended this war and he is never coming back. I crawled back up to the surface and met up with Tony. "I got him, dude, I defeated James and sent him to the place, he should go is Hell." The war that I fought against James is over now, this time, I finished the job. Who cared if I was injured, I killed that bastard after the shit he put me through, but now it's over.
For some reason I got really dizzy and passed out, "Casey, dude, shit, I need help, anyone!"
I woke up in a bed in a white room, "where am I?" I said in my head.
I heard someone behind it was James, my eyes got big and I fell back, "I thought you were dead." He laughed, "not in your dreams." He disappeared. I woke up for real this time and looked around, "my head hurts like hell." "Oh, your awake Casey, I thought you died on my bro and I wouldn't let that happen." "Thanks dog." I got up and walked out of the hut. We were in the desert surrounded by fances. "Where are we man." "Dude, we are in the city, you have been in a coma for 3 years, that's why I thought I lost but your alive." "A coma for 3 years, wow." I grabbed my head and I couldn't believe that it's been three years since the fight. "Hey Tony, why is the city not built, it's infected with a virus that will make you commit suicide or you will get killed by another person." "Oh." It was the end of the city all my friends dead by the virus maybe some are alive but are going crazy, we will have to help them.

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