Chapter 26 the broken city

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I had to do something about the city, I caused the city to be like this because of the fight. It's going to be tough going through that city and finding a way to stop the virus and where it's coming from. "Casey, you must be insane to go to that city without me, your best friend Tony." A car came up to us and we got in, I got driver and he had frontseat. I started it up and we drove to the city, after a long drive, we made it to the city. It was destroyed, buildings were smoking and leaning against each other, cars flipped over. "Damn, what a mess." "Yeah your right." I looked around but didn't see anything, so we put our masks on and grabbed our aks and started walking around. I pulled out my scanner and turned it on, "there, we go, let's move Tony." I heard a gun shot and the bullet almost hit us. We ran and took cover behind a car.
"Come out, I know you're there." "Put the gun down, then we will." I replied. He placed the gun down and we came out of hiding, it was Terek, Tony's little brother. "My God, dude your alive." "Yeah, I have been surviving in the high school, come on guys." I looked at Terek and glared at him, "there's no other place to rest, so I guest we go to that fucking school, why does it have to be that school?"
We walked around until, we found the school, it was busted up and there were fencing around it. "Damn, this place looks like a war bunker."
"Yeah I guess you can call it that, I mean it's been hell here since the fight between you and James was done." "how do you guys survive in here?" "I don't know, that's a hard question."
We walked through a gate and entered the school, it was a mess, glass was on the floor, blood on the walls. We started heading for the main room. We were walking past the music room, when I saw something on the floor. I walked over to it and picked it up, it had a little blood on it. I looked at the cover, I stood in shock. I can't believe that I found the CD, I gave to that girl before she died, it's been so long, since I was here and now I'm back without having to fight James. "Hey you found one of your CD with blood, dude did you kill someone with it, just kidding, we have to go." "Alright." I replied still in shock. We walked through the hallway until we found a room, the number on the door said A-4. We entered the room and I saw weapons, food, drinks, and amo for the weapons. They had bed set up for everyone, there are only six of us in here, one of us was sick and dying of the toxic smoke outside. I ran over to the medic, "what happened to him." I said looking at him. She looked up and replied, "he has cuts and bruises everywhere on his body, his lungs are smoked out and failing because of the toxic gas outside." "Oh, I should call the mainland and get him some treatment fast and bring you guys to safety." I said while pulling my phone out.
I dial the number of the ship but it didn't have any signal, "dammit, why is there any signal in this fucking school." "K calm down." Tony came over and put his hand on my shoulder, "it's fine." "Thanks bro." I smiled shaking his hand

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