Chapter 22 A New Beginning

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Three years since the fight of Casey and James. Casey won the fight and lived happily ever after with his new wife Yui. Sometimes it doesn't really workout for people even if you have defeated the most dangerous person on the planet. Casey lives in Japan with his wife Yui and a new person Tyson. He is Casey and Yui's son. He is 1 years old. He will go to the same school as I did. Hey everyone I'm your hero Casey who fought off those Creatures and defeat James in that hard fought battle and It's been weird. I'm still in High School and I'm married. I had to take high school over because of all the shit that happened to me. Some people have been talking to me that didn't talk to me before. I'm kinda scared a little but I trying to get use to be a hero of the world. I should get to the story. It was a couple months since I got stitches because I was riding my brand new dirt bike that cost $230. It has red flames with a cross on the back. I was driving it to a event that took part in. I finished in 2nd because I crashed. I hit a rock and took out my tire. I was so pissed. It flew off I'm serious like it really fell off.

I got paid for the race. The pay was like $550. I used $344 to fix my bike at a bike shop. It's been strange lately because I keep having dreams about the fighting and crap but it kinda pissing me off. I'm always waking up. I think going insane because of me. She won't talk to me for some reason. I didn't do anything. "man what the hell is wrong with me?" I have been dreaming the same dream for weeks. It's because of that fight with James. I had no school because of a Saturday. "man, it's nice outside." I walk over to Yui's side of the bed. She is cute when she sleeps. I pressed my lips to hers and then I walked to the closet where the towels were. I grabbed a towel from the closet. I went in the bathroom and started the shower. After awhile. I got undressed and got in the shower. The water felt nice. It was luke warm. Not too hot or not too cold, just perfect. "babe, I'n next after you, so don't use all the hot water." "alright babe, I won't." I replied. After about 5 minutes. I got out of the shower and grabbed the towel from the sink. I got dried off and wrapped the towel around my hips. I walked out and saw Yui making breakfast. I went into our room and got dressed into a white tank top, blue jeans, and a hat that said, "you can't touch this." "hey babe." "hey honey, how was your shower?" "good, really good." I replied. "I'm going to take one now, you finish breakfast." "alright." I replied. I pressed my lips to hers while she was walking past me.

I ran into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. We were having Eggs, Bacon, HashBrowns, and Toast. After we ate breakfast. We cleaned up. I was sitting on the couch watching tv and then the door bell rang. I got up and answered the door. It was Tony and his wife. "Tony, what up dog?" We did our handshake. I let them in. "dude, what's going on lately?" "just living life, what about you?" I replied. "dude I need to talk to you." "alright." I replied. Our wifes were talking about something. We went into my man cave down in the basement. I grabbed a drink and handed it to Tony. "so, what's up?" "dude I think my wife is pregant." "how do you know that?" I replied while sitting down by him. "she had morning sickness for a couple days. "oh shit dude really?" "yeah, how did you feel, when you found out?" "I thought my life was over but then I thought that someone else is going to be part of my family." I replied. Tony sighed and looked down to the ground. "dude I hope i'm a good father." "I know you will." I replied.

We were talking, when we herd a scream. We both jumped up fast and ran up the stairs. We saw a guy wearing a black hood. He had black wings. It was James.

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