Chapter 21 The Final Battle

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James stared at me and I stared at him. I charged at him and tackled him into a building. We both went through the building and we hit the ground together. I got up while holding my arm and I started walking toward him. He looked up at me and told me to stop. I kept walking toward. I kicked him in the face and screamed at him, "YOU TOOK EVERYONE I LOVED FROM ME AND NOW I'M HERE TO FIGHT AND I JUST WANT TO KILL YOU." I kicked him again and again. He started bleeding really bad and I just kept kicking him. I stopped kicking and started walking toward a broken pole that was sharp enough to stab someone with. I picked it up and I started walking toward him with the broken pole in my hands. He just sat there and then he said, "Casey I know your mad at me for killing the ones you loved but that doesn't give you a reason to kill me." I raised the pole and stabbed him through the heart. It started spilling out dark blood and then red blood. He closed his eyes and died. Naomi and Ashley flew down to the ground and transformed back into the regular self's. It was finally over and I stood in victory. Yui woke up and James disappeared. He went to Hell where he belonged in the first place. I am the savior. The spider died and vanished. The whole world was repaired and everyone was happy. My parent were alive. 

3 weeks later

Yui and I got married on July 4 and we were happy and in love. I knew Ashley and I weren't going to work out because Ashley married Tony and Naomi married Ty. It's kinda strange that all of my friends got married and I got married with the girl I loved. I still live in Japan but I don't live in an apartment I live in a mansion now and I just Yui and I are having kids. James is gone and now I have a family to worry about and I helped this world be brought back together. It's weird that life goes by fast. When I found out that James was The High School Killer. I knew I had a battle with him. I won the battle and now it's the end of that battle I will never forget that battle. It was the final Battle.

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