Chapter 14 trouble in the city

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I drove into the city and half of it was destroyed. I stopped at a store and went inside. Everything was destroyed. I wanted some food but there wasn't any. "damn nothing left." I herd a helicopter outside. I ran out and started waving. The helicopter was a blackhawk military helicopter. It was going land. A couple of soldiers came up to me and lead me to the helicopter. Weird people were charging at us and the soldiers were shooting. The soldiers got in the helicopter and we flew away. I sat back and grabbed my leg. "oh your hurt sir." "I'm fine it just hurts." He grabbed my foot and took off the dirty wrap and put on a new one. I was finally safe and I'm going back home. I herd something really loud and then It went away. No one was in the helicopter. They were all dead. The helicopter was going down. I ran to the front and tried to bring us but I hit a building. It went black again. I woke up in a hostiple. "where am I?" I looked around. I got up and started walking around. I walked to the door and opened it. The hostiple was empty. "hello is anyone here?" "yes I am." I turned around and there was nurse standing there looking at me. "where am I, am I dead?" "your in a hostiple and no your not dead." I sighed. "ok." "follow me sir." I followed her to a room with a seat. I sat down and then a thing went on my head and then I saw a flash. It came off my head and then fire started to burn me. I woke up on the ground of the helicopter. It was on the floor. I crawled out of the helicopter. I got up and looked around and said, "where am I?" I herd something coming and then it went black. I woke up and I hanging upside down in a weird place. I looked at my feet and then I saw a weird guy with a big knife. He was facing me. He grabbed my feet and cut the rope. He grabbed my arm and started dragging me. I was trying not to freak out. He put me on a table. I got chained down. He went in the back to grabbed something. I looked around. The guy came back and he had a chainsaw in his hands. I was almost about to piss myself. He had the chainsaw and he started walking to a guy hanging up like I use to be. He start it up and started cutting the guy in half. I almost threw up. I tried to get away but It was useless. I herd something. There was a guy walking down the stairs . He had a shotgun. He pulled the trigger and a bullet hit the guy with the chainsaw in the head and he hit the ground. The guy with the shotgun unlocked the chains and I got off the table. I herd a chainsaw guy and we ran upstairs and we left the room. We ran down a hall and we fell right into a pool and swam out of it. "eww what's this?" "it's blood." "oh gross." We got out of the pool and kept running from the Chainsaw guy. We ended up in a tunnel were it was pich black. "where are we?" "I don't know kid." We walked down the tunnel. We found a exit. We were out. Tony flew down right in front of me. We started throwing punches at each other. He kicked me in the stomach and picked me up. He was going to drop me but I broke off one of his rockets. We both went for a ride around in a circle. I started throwing punches. I took out his other rocket and we fell from the sky. We both hit the ground. We were just laying there. "ow." I grabbed my should it was dislocate again. I tried to get up but one of my legs was broken. I got up after about 3 tries. 

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