Chapter 19 Yui has a crush on me

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It's been one hell of a morning. I got kissed by a different girl that I don't even like. "hey Casey." I turned around. "o hi Yui." "really Casey, why are you so borning to talk to?" "I don't know." I herd my phone buzz. Tony turned around, "dude who is it?" "it's Ashley." "I'll be right back." I left the room and looked at  the message.

A: Hey babe

C: hey what's up?

A: nothing much what about you?

C: just about to go to class, I'll talk to you later.

A: ok by

I ran back into the classroom right before the bell rang. Tony turned around and asked, "what did Ashley want?" "Nothing she wanted to say hi." "o alright by the way here." He handed me a piece of paper with a number on it. "who's number is this?" "it's Yui's." I put the number in my phone and turned my phone on silent. I was class when I got a pain in my shoulder. I grabbed my shoulder and said in my head, "what the hell is wrong with my shoulder?" Yui was staring at me. I looked over to her while holding my shoulder. She looked away and started blushing. My shoulder stop hurting and I let go of my shoulder. "what the hell, when I looked at Yui it stopped hurting. Class was almost over and it was knida wierd all day was one wierd day. The bell rang and I got up. I put everything in my bag and got out of my seat. Tony was waiting by the door. "hurry up dude we have to go to the video game store before it closes." Yui came up to us and said, "hey guys can I come with you?" "um sure." I looked at Tony and he gave me a glare. "what?" I whispered. We got to the store but it was closed for good. "what the hell, why did it close." "I don't know but I have a bad felling in my stomach." We walked back to my house in Japan. "hey Casey, i'll talk to you later, I have to go home because my parents are coming back from China to visit." "alright see yeah."

I turned to Yui. "hey Yui you should go home and we text each other alright." I started walking away but then a hand grabbed my hand. I was pulled into a kiss. I pulled away from Yui. "hey Yui why did you do that?" "because I LOVE YOU!" I stood there in shock. "wait what did you say Yui?" "I said I love you." I walked off and went into my house. I sat there on my bed. I couldn't believe that she loves me. I got a message from Yui.

Yui: hey casey I'm sorry I kissed you

K: It's ok Yui I just need some time to think.

Yui: Can we still hang out as friends?

K: sure I have to go.

Yui: goodbye

I didn't message her back. I was really mad that I wanted to go workout. That night I was listening to music. I herd a noise come from my window. I got off my bed and walked to the window. I opened the window and then Yui jumps inside all wet because it was raining. "what are you doing in my house Yui?" "i couldn't be away from you." She pressed her lips to mine and we started making out. I herd a big BOOM! "what the hell was that?" I got dressed and we ran out the door. We went outside and saw a huge giant black and red spider crawling towards us. "RUN YUI!" We started running away from the spider. He shot a web at us and caught Yui. "Yui!" I grabbed her and pulled her out of the web and we started running again. I saw a small tunnel. "I grabbed her hand and we dove into the tunnel. The spider stopped and it couldn't find us. It turned around and started crawling to the city. "call Tony tell him to meet him at the park." Yui pulled out her phone and called his number, it went to his voice message. "Casey his phone is off." "God dammit Tony, he always has his phone off. We herd a car. We climbed out of the tunnel and looked who it was. It was Tony. "dude how did you get this car?" "it doesn't matter, get in." We got in and pushed the gas and we started driving fast. "dude what's going on with Japan?" "Casey it's not just Japan it's all over the world. James has set his creatures out of Hell and now the world is being destroyed." "We have to go to America and let you family know your alright." "what about Ashley?" "dude she died." "WHAT?" "she got crushed by the house, dude she wasn't pregnant, she lied." "why would she do that?" "she was working with James." "what so everyone is working with James." "Yui are you working with James?" "um no I don't even know who that is." "good." "were are we going?" "we are going to the stadium, so we can stay safe."

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