Chapter 30 The Door

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Casey POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

"What the hell happened us and where are we?"

I looked over and Ice was gone, she wasn't anywhere to be found.


I called her name but no reply


I yelled her name this time but still no reply except an echo. My head started hurting.

"God dammit, my head."

I saw blood dripping on the floor, I didn't know where it was coming from. I put my hand up to my nose and when I pulled my hand away from my nose, I saw blood.

"Dammit, I have a nosebleed, but from what, I didn't get hit in the face, I think it's from that damn bad headache I had earlier."

I stood up and looked around, there was nothing but darkness except a door ahead of me. I started walking toward the door, I kept hearing "Save Me" I started running but then I tripped on something, I landed on my knee and it started bleeding. I looked to see what I tripped on. It was the girls body that I gave the cd to back at my high school.

"Oh My God, why is she here?"

I got up holding my knee. I started limping quickly away from the body and up to the door and opened it. I entered the door and it went black. I woke up in a destroyed classroom with blood on the walls and the windows and doors were broken off. 

"where am I?"

I got up slowly but then a pain shot right through my leg and I fell right back down. I looked down at my left leg and there was a piece of metal in it. I grabbed the piece of metal and pulled it out after breathing and counting to three. It didn't come out. It was stuck in the floor and in my left leg.

"dammit." I yelled out holding on my left leg. I grabbed my leg and pulled it up and still nothing. I tried a third time, but this time it moved a little. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I started going out and then I went unconscious, when I came to 1 hour later, I was in a bed with my leg bandaged up. I looked around and I was in a nurses office.

"where am I and how did I get here?"

I got up from the bed and looked around. It was a nurse's office like the one back at my high school before it got destroyed. It was clean and the walls are white, the floor is the color of the school's color.

"why is this place not destroyed and everywhere else is."

I walked out of the nurse's office and saw that it was a beautiful day, nothing destroyed, no smoke, no fire, just sun and blue skies outside. The school was back to normal.

"what is going on, there's no destruction and the school is still here, have I gone in the past where everything was normal until that one day, but what about that classroom."

I walked throughout the school trying to find that one classroom but when I found it, it was normal.

"I must be crazy or going mad, I woke up here and now it's normal, what the hell is going on."

I walked through the school until I got to the exit. I left the school and saw that nothing bad was going on just the birds chirping and the wind blowing. The sun was shining.

"I must in a good dream because there is no way this place is still standing after what James did to it."

I knew what I must do, go to my house that I live in and see if it's really true. So I ran home. When I got home, I saw a moving truck there and my parents waved over to me. 

"my God, this is the time, we moved in before they moved back to The US to be with my sister because of her lung cancer, I told them that I would stay here and watch the house. They said they will be back in a couple weeks but they never came back. It's been 2 months since they left."

I started walking when all of sudden, a door appeared right in front of me, the same door that brought me here. I opened it and went in. The door disappeared and KZ was never seen again. It's been three years since we last saw him and we will never know where to look unless that door appears again and we go in and search but for now. He never did find Ice but we did, she was here sleeping in her bed this whole time and KZ fell right into James trap and I bet that KZ is getting his revenge vs James.   

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