Chapter 5 The Fight Of My Life

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I got up and held my shoulder. "I can't believe that he turned against me." "Are you ok." Naomi replied. "Yeah I'm good." Naomi smiled. It's going to be hard to fight against my own friend. That night I went to the doctors and got my arm checked and I got a dislocated shoulder and a broken arm. Naomi was crying for some reason. I went up to her, "hey are you ok?" It was a old guy dead on the floor, blood was running down his stomach. There was a knife in his chest and he was gone I checked his heart beat but he didn't have one.

"Oh no he's dead." I backed up and left. There was blood on my hands and I was freaking out for some reason. Naomi came up to me, "hey are you alright Dante." I looked back, "I'm fine it's just I have never seen a guy laying on the floor before." "what about Tony." I stopped and looked down "he's different he's just a backstabbing idot, that I trusted." " Dante I.." I stopped her and I kept walking. We got to a old town in the middle of nowhere. "hmm guess everyone left or something." Naomi looked at me and said, "Dante, we need to get out of here, I don't

feel safe." grabbed her and said, "hey it's going to be ok I'm sorry about earlier." "it's alright." We walked around the old town and it was quite. " were is everyone." "I don't know, Naomi."

We saw someone fall to the ground. Naomi got behind me. "stay here i'll go check it out." "ok Dante." I started walking toward the man. "what the hell." He grabbed my leg and tried to bite it. I kicked him off and ran back to Naomi. "We need to get out of here." I grabbed Naomi's hand and ran off. We ran through the town. There was people every where. "what is going on." I kicked one and they went flying back. I just stood there. The things were coming up. I hit the latter and we ran away. We ran and ran, until, we got to a dock with a boat. "we have to get on the boat and try to start up." "alright." We ran over to the boat and got on. We found the engine and I tried to start it, but it wouldn't work. "damn, come on, start." I kept trying to start it. "Dante you need to see this." Some of the creatures came out of the water. I ran over to the engine and tried to start it again. "come on, start." It started, "yes." I pressed on the gas and we started to move. "Dante there getting on." Naomi found a shotgun and started shooting. She shot all of them off and she put down the gun. "nice shooting, Naomi." She smiled, "thanks." I started driving the boat. We drove to another dock. There was a old barn and it was sealed up. "what is this place?" "It was my favorite place to go when I felt down." "o." I followed Naomi to the barn and we went inside. "wow nice place you had." "yeah but it was a place that I went to when I got dumped by boyfriends." "oh really." That night, we went to sleep in the basement. Tomorrow will be a better then this day. I haven't got to sleep in a few days cause I'm being hunted by James.

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