Chapter 17 The Memories of the past

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I laid there in a dark place wondering if I wanted to fight him again. I almost won but he escape. Tony and I have had many Memories back in the day. I one time had to help him with his depression because he got dumped by his girlfriend. It was a good life but that sell out suck up piece of trash betrayed me. I woke up in the hospital. I looked around but I couldn't really move. I had bandages on me. I got up a little but not fully up. "ow." I said in my head. A guy came in. "oh your finally awake." "um hey were am I?" "your in a hospital." "ok." I got helped up and I walked out of the hospital room. I went down the elevator and there was Ashley. "Casey!" "hey babe what's up." We walked out of the hospital and got in the car. "you drove here?" "yeah like my new car?" "yeah babe." We drove to my house and parked the car. I got out the car and we went into the house. I walked in the house and saw Tony standing by my parents helping them cook. I rubbed my eyes and he was gone. "what the hell." "Casey are you alright?" "yeah." I pressed my lips to hers and then, we went into the kitchen. "hey mom." "Casey how are you feeling, I herd about the accident. You were found with bad injuries and you had to have 35 stitches." "I'm good, yeah I fought Tony and it was a really bad bloody battle. I'm glad that I'm alive." I went upstairs to my room and put my stuff down in the closet. Ashley wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my shoulder. "you know Casey I missed you." "I did too." I turned around and pressed my lips to hers. We laided back and started making out. We herd a knock. I got off the bed and answered the bed. It was Ty. "hey Ty, what's up?" "dude come down stairs, it's an emergence." "ok be right back babe." I left the room and ran down stairs. Mom was on the couch bleeding. "mom." I ran over to her and kneeled by her. "what happened to you?" "Here." She handed me a letter. I got up and read it. It said

Dear Casey,

This is Naomi, we have taken someone you loved away from you. That is what you get for hurting Tony. Next time, we see you well, we will have a present for you.

I closed the letter and said, "what have I done?" I walked in the living room and everyone was crying. I ran over and she was gone. I back up a little. I ran up to my room. I went into my room and packed up some stuff. "where are you going Casey?" James and Naomi killed mom and I'm going back to Japan and I'm going to revenge her death." I pressed my lips to hers really fast and ran out the door. I ran downstairs. "hey Ty, do you still own that jet?" "yeah why?" "because I need to get to Japan fast." "ok when do you want to leave?" "now." We walked out the front door and walked to Ty's car. We drove out of the parking lot. We drove to his guarge were his jet. We got in it and flew off. We were flying to Japan when we got hit out of the air. We went down and hit a tree. I grabbed my head. I looked over to Ty and asked if he was alright. He nodded yes. We escape out of the jet and started walking. When the day was going good and everyone was happy then this had to happen. 

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