chapter 1 part 2 school burning down

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It's been three days since that girl got killed. I was at home cause it was Saturday. I didn't want to go to school on Monday. I was kinda nervous to go to school. I was sitting there, when my phone went off, it was Tony. The message said, "dude were are you." I replied, " I'm almost there I have to get ready." I herd a explosion coming from the school. I jumped up and looked outside, the school was in flames. I was shocked and said, " holy shit. what the hell is happening to the school?" I ran out the door and started running fast to the school. I saw a dead guy on the ground and I said, "holy shit." Tony saw me and said, " dude the HSK burnt down the school and killed 7 and injured 5." I replied, "holy shit are you serious dude is the injures like life threatening." He replied, " I don't know." We watched the firefighters trying to put out the fire. I was shocked and we walked off to my house and the school didn't open until November 16 that what I herd, but it's June said Tony. I replied, "I know, so we get a longer break." He was jumping up and down saying, "yah that's sick." It was about 2:45 in the morning and my phone went off and it was a message from Tony it said, "dude the HSK has struck another victim and she was found in an ally way by Jacksons." I replied, " OK I'll be there in a few, I was sleeping, but I'm OK." I got ready and left. It was really cold but I didn't care. I got there and tony was sitting there waiting for me. He saw me and said, "took you long." I replied, "sorry I couldn't find any socks,"

We started walking to the ally and we saw a knife. I picked it up and it didn't have blood on it but it had something on it but I couldn't read it because it was in Russian. We herd gunshots. We ran to the place, it was the school that burnt down. We went inside of the school and saw a door that had the number 666 on it. We opened the door and there was an opening in the floor. I went up to the opening in the floor and said, "holy shit, what the fuck is this." Tony replied, " how do I know." We herd foot steps coming up and I said, " shit run!" We ran out of the class room and we went fast down the hall until we ran to a door that leads outside. We stopped to catch our breath. I said while trying to catch my breath, " holy shit we got away." Tony replied, " yah dude thank God we did." We ran away from the school and we went to my house my parents are still asleep because it's 10:45am. We went up to my room and chilled for a little. We herd a knock on my front door. We went down and answered the door. We opened it and it was my cousin that went to a different school, he was  holding his shoulder and it was all bloody. He came in and I said, "what the fuck happened to you."  He replied, "The highschool killer got me while I was walking home from work." I grabbed a towel to make the blood stay in. We herd gunshots coming from outside a creature was summoned some how.

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