Chapter 15 left to die

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Tony and I were on the ground after falling from the sky. I couldn't believe that I survived that. Tony looked at me, "Casey I'm sorry I turned my back on you." "No your not, your just saying that so you can kill me." He looked at me in shock. "Casey I've been thinking about those memories of me and you hanging out at school laughing because that girl kept getting mad at you for not asking a girl out and you said no many times. Please forgive me Casey." "you know what Tony, I'm sorry but I can't take your apology, because I'm to hurt." He was trying to get up but I curb stomped him to the ground. He laid there. I looked down at him and said, "Tony, we were best friends when you turned your back on us." I was walking when Tony stuck his arm and fired a laser and it hit me in the back and went through me. I gasp and hit the ground. I was bleeding alot. Tony was laying there just staring at me in shock. I looked at him with a piss off face. "you bastard." I started crawling to him. It started going dark but I kept going. I wanted to keep going and fight. A ship came out of nowhere and started going toward Tony. Something came out of the ship and picked up Tony. I was looking at him getting picked up. The ship disappeared and I was still laying on the ground. I rolled over and laid on my back. I kept thinking to myself while looking at the gray sky, "Tony is gone, I wanted to finish this but now I'm going to die." I closed my eyes and then I herd a helicopter coming down. I looked at the helicopter. Two soldiers came to me and picked me up in a stretcher. Ashley was in the helicopter. She hugged me and she pressed her lips to mine. I missed her lips and I couldn't let go. They put me in the helicopter and we flew away from the city. I was rescued from the people who care about me. I'm glad I'm somebody that people love. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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