Chapter 31 It all happens for a reason, right?

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They just waited and waited for the return but nothing yet, Casey hasn't returned and they haven't forgotten that day, he left them. He's such an asshole for  that but hey you got to do what you go to do, right? The group is getting very impatient and people are getting hungry. Fights are breaking out and 2 of them left the group and Tony knew what he was doing but he's not the smartest person in the world that they live in, but hell, Tony is missing Casey the most because of their past, they were like brothers, they did everything together like fight through this hell but when Casey left them, he never was the same after that.

Tyson POV

We have been looking around for food and water but, guess what, nothing, not even a drop of water or a can of food, everyone was hungry, Alex my cousin is sick with something, he has the worst fever, I've ever seen in my whole life. I'm scared of getting sick and dying of something in this air. The house, we are in, is getting colder and we don't have fire or blankets to cover us

2 days later

Alex died of the fever, we had to put him into a different room because, we didn't want to something from his corpse, but for some reason, we can hear moaning noises coming from the room but there wasn't anything in there except Alex's corpse, it's making the group a little uncomfortable. I got up and walked up to the door. I twisted the handled and creaked the door open slowly and saw Alex standing there. I closed the door and then BANG!, some thing just slammed against the door. It went quite and then again BANG! I walked back slowly to the group.

"guys, we have to get out of here." I said in a quietly voice.

"Tony, hahaha, why are you tripping." Ice replied laughing

"Alex is not dead."

"what do you mean?"


We looked over to a person standing by the door, that we put Alex in. I couldn't believe, it was Alex staring at us. He started getting close to us. He came to us with a full on sprint.


Everyone started running away from him, Alex took Zach down and bit him and took a piece of flesh out of his neck. I just stared in shock. Ice ran to me and said, "Tony, come on." We ran on, but then we ran into a dead end, we didn't have anywhere to go now, we were stuck. I looked down the hall and saw Alex and Zach running." 

"Shit, we're trapped." Ice asked in a panic way.

"I don't know." I replied.

We're screwed, we are stuck in a issue that we can't solve, but hey we tried and never knew this would happen, but things happen right?

What will happen?
Will they survive?
Thank you so much and everyone stay awesome

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