Chapter 13 The crash

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We were flying in my helicopter and then we got hit by something and started going down, "shit, shit." We hit the ground and then it went black. I woke up in a hostiple room. "where am I?" I started looking all around and then I herd a voice saying help over and over. It then turned into a scream and then I woke up. I looked around and saw everything on fire. I tried to get up but a piece of metal was in my foot and was stuck in the ground. "shit, my leg." I grabbed the piece of metal and started pulling. It hurt so bad. I almost started to cry. I finally pulled it out and there was blood on the metal and I had a big hole in my foot. I slowly got up and started limping out of the helicopter. I got out of the helicopter and looked around. I was in a forest. I just stood there. I looked down at my foot and it started to swell up. "shit I have to wrap this up." I looked around trying to find a first aid kit. I finally found one in the back of the helicopter. I pulled it out and took out medicine and a wrap. I put it on my foot and put it in a travel pack that I found in the back with the first aid kit. I grabbed a flashlight from the bag and turned it on. I started walking away from the wreckage. There wasn't anyone out here at all. I saw a light up ahead. It was a little farm with a house. I went up to the house and knocked on the door. A guy with rip up pants and a knife in his hand answered the door. "Um sir I need help I crashed in a helicopter and I have a bad injury. I need help finding a hostiple." He looked at me and put his knife down on a table in his house. "how did you crash?" "Something hit us in mid air and we went down. I was the only survivor." "come in." I went inside the house and looked around. There were leaks and mold everywhere. I brought me into this room that had a table. "lay down here." "ok." I laid on the table and looked over to him. He grabbed a needle. I started getting sweaty. He looked at me and saw that I was getting nervous. "hey kid, i'm not going to hurt you." "what are you doing with that needle?" "oh I'm going to close your hole in your foot and then I'm going to put a wrap on your foot." "alright." He went over to my foot and started closing the hole in my foot. It hurt so bad. It was all done. "does it hurt a little." "yeah a little, but thank you for closing the hole in my foot, so I wouldn't bleed to death." "yeah no problem, I use to be a doctor but I got fired from the hospital because one of patient died of Cancer and they blamed me for killing him but I didn't, he died of that bad disease." "i'm sorry you lost your job. You should be a doctor that owns his own business." "thanks for the tip." "no problem, I have to go find a ride back to the city and then go back to the America for good." "wait you going to America, can I go with you because I hate living on this farm that I don't grow anything." "sure, get packed up and lets go." We got ready and left for the city. We walked for hours until we found a car that was kinda nice. I hot wired the car and we drove on until we got to the city.

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