Chapter 29 Day 1

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Casey POV
I just started a game called 7 days, James has 7 days to show himself and face me one last time or I will find him myself.

"You can't beat him Casey, you know that."

I stopped pacing.

"You say I can't, but I can, because I have before, but he keeps coming back for more."

"You can't Casey, you just can't."

I turned around to face her, I put my hand on her shoulder and replied quietly

"I can and I will because I have faith in myself for the first time, it's actually surprising."

She looked at me and smiled

"You are the first person that said that they had faith in themselves."

"Oh really, wow how many people have you hung out with?"

"I don't know really."

The ground started shaking and someone came out of the ground, it was a person, he was in a black costume with a hood on, I couldn't see his face. He had purple hair coming out of the hood.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know." I replied starring at the guy.

"Should we go find out who that is?"

"No, we should stay low."

The guy vanished.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know, he just vanished."

I felt a cold breeze behind me, I looked behind me, it was the guy in the black hood. How did he know where we were at? The guy grabbed my friends arm.

"Let got of her."

I struck him with a punch and he went back. The guy let go of her. He stared at me while holding his face.

"Are you okay Casey?"

"Yes I'm fine um."

"My name is Ice."

"Oh okay Ice, yeah I'm fine, are you okay."

"Yeah, I'm okay, my shoulder hurts."

There was a handprint on her shoulder.

"You will be fine Ice."

"Thanks you Casey."

I turned around and got drilled in the face with the guy in the hoods foot. I flew back and landed on the ground. Ice ran and jumped on his back and put him in a choke hold. She got flew over his shoulder and slammed to the ground knocking her out. I got up and charged at him, I hit him in the stomach with my knee and then dropped kicked him.

"Take that bitch."

He leg sweeped me and I landed on the ground. He got on top of me and started throwing punches. I started bleeding from the nose. I grabbed his hood and ripped it off.


Ice laided there shocked.

"Ice, I have been looking for you, come home."

James helps up Ice but then gets slapped by Ice.

"How dare you throw me to the ground and then help me up and act like nothing happen."

James grabs Ice by the neck and holds her up.

"You should never talk to your father like that, say sorry now and you will live, if not, you and your boyfriend die together, your choice."

Ice looks at him and stars to cry.

"I'm sorry dad, I won't disrespect you again."

James smiles and puts Ice down and let's go of her neck.

"Good girl, let's go home Ice."

Ice shakes her head

"No, I don't want to go back home with you."

James walks up to Ice and is about to hit her, I block the attack and punch James in the face making him fall to the ground. Me and Ice ran away. We ran to the school and entered. We didn't know where to go. We kept running through the school.
We got to a class that I was in and snuck in. No one noticed, I saw myself on my phone texting this girl during a test.


"Yes, Casey?"


I pointed to myself.

"Is that you Casey?"

"Yeah, that is."


"It was weird Casey wasn't scared at all, I'm not saying I am but it's weird that he is calm, like nothing is happening."

The bell rang and everyone started getting up and leaving the class room.
We got up and followed the 4 day past Casey. He lead us to a studio.

"Casey, what did you use to do in there?"

"I recorded raps that I wrote down and put them on a cd and sell them at events."


We were looking at the 4 day past Casey, when a purple portal opened up and sucked us in it. It then went black.

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