chapter 1 the 1st strike

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My name is Dante. I live in Japan and I go to Yukia private school. A long story, I heard was when there was high school killer in the school that I'm going to. The killer died in 2012 but the body hasn't been found. There still looking for it. When I heard about it. It was my first day going to a new school. I was walking to school, when, I saw some girls. I was staring at them, but I kept going on. I went on the school's campus. It was cold that day. I went into the building and found my classroom. I entered . Some people were in the room waiting for class to start. The teacher looked at me and said, "Pick a seat Dante." I saw a guy that looked like one of my friends back in Boise. I went over to him and said "hey can I sit by you." He looked at me and replied, "Sure go ahead." I sat down. I sat there and started listening to music. This super fine girl came sat by me and she pulled out her stuff and then a couple of others came over. After class, I had a rap for the talent show. I rap the rap "yah so let's listen to try I don't want to die and I hate to lie. I fight that's not right but i'm white but i don't care I take a dare I'm in my rap lair." I walked out with my new CD called the rap is golden. I was walking when I tripped over my shoe lace. Some girl came up and said, "Are you OK." I replied, "Yah I'm good." She saw my CD and said, "your a rapper." I replied, yah, you can have a CD for free." She smiled and said, "Thanks." She walked off with the CD and I walked off. I had a bruise on my leg from tripping on my shoe lace. I was thinking in my head, "I didn't get that girls name and her number." I saw a person running fast the same way I came from, I was watching him go by and I said, "should I go to find out what that was." I started running to that place were I fell and I saw that girl that I gave the CD to, she was on the floor. "She was murdered by a person" said a teacher. One other teacher replied' "who?" The teacher said, "the HSK." I stood there looking at her while they were picking up her body and putting her in a bag. I was shocked. A guy came up and said, "dude that girl got killed." I replied, " I know dude it's scary that the HSK still around so we should watch our backs."

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