Chapter 24 Shit, we have a problem

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I was pacing and I put my hand into a fist. "I thought, he was gone forever but he returns now, why just why?"

"Casey you need to calm down, you can stop him like you did before."

"yeah I know I can but it's going to be a pain in the ass to beat him again."

I felt the floor start to shake, "what's going on." I kept saying in my head. Yui fell through the floor. "Yui!" I ran over to her right in time to catch her. "are you alright babe?" "yeah." she replied while looking down. I helped her up and held her. The ground stopped shaking. "what the hell was that?" "I don't know K." Tony replied. I herd something coming for the house. A building was coming down. "Holy shit everyone get out of the house." We ran for the windows and escape right in time. "Holy Shit Casey, we almost got crushed by that building, were did it come from?" I looked around and replied, "I don't know, we don't live in a big city like Tokyo." I looked around again and there wasn't that plane that would always come by my house. "where did the plane?" The plane was coming for us. "holy shit, watch out!" We all jumped out of the way. The plane hit the tree but not my house, thank God. Yui was on the ground. I crawled to her, so I could check on her. I got to her and saw she got stabbed by a piece of metal. "oh no Yui, are you alright?" She looked at me and replied, "Casey I'm dying, I love you, kiss me one more time." I nodded and gave her one more kiss before she died. Tony was alright but his wife died too.

We barried them together. We were out to seek revenge. "I wasn't going to let this happen all over again, this time he's really going to die and go to Hell, if not I'll send him to Hell myself." We had one target that was James. We are going to fight, fight, and fight until James is dead or we're both dead." Tony stared at me and started getting pissed off. I looked over to him and the look on his face was he wanted revenge for the love of his life. This will be a hard fight but we will defeat James and all his creation. Tony is on my side. We had to defeat him or the world will go to chaos again like 1 year ago. We stood there looking for something to use to fight with against James.

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