Chapter 7

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Bella's POV

It's been a few weeks here and I just stare longingly at Alice most of the time at lunch then go through the days talking with Jane because let's face it these teachers may have studied history, but I lived through most of it hell I'm older then Jesus.

"SWAN!" I looked to my couch who was making everybody run laps, "yes sir?" He growled, "why aren't you doing your four laps!" I smirked, "oh you mean the laps I already did?" He froze then turned to his assistant who nod then coach turned back to me, "do another four for back talking!"

I got up and started to run after finishing another four laps I pretended to wipe away sweat. "Done Couch," the man glared at me and I smirked. "EVERYBODY LINE UP!" Coach yelled and I laughed a little and stood in line. "Dodgeball teams Mike and Cullen," I turned as I see Emmett Cullen.

I was picked to be on Mike's team and I smirked and turned to Emmett, "I am so going to bring him down." Emmett smirked and whispered, "you are on klutz."

The game started and I threw a ball at Emmett to start off and it hit him in the chest. He blinked and looked surprised then I smirked. The game was nearly over and not a single person got me I guess being a thousand year old half breed is good for your grace.

It was now between Emmett and me but he had all the balls. He smirked and threw the ball but I slid out of the way and it went like that until he had one ball left, "this ball has your name on it Swan." I smirked, "come on big guy let's see if those muscles are just for show."

The vampire threw the ball maybe a bit to hard but I caught it and quickly threw it back at him making him fall over. "Fuck," he grunted, and I smirked. Couch Clapp ended the days lesson so I went back to the change room and got changed. Soon as I come out Emmett is there, "Rose was right you are defiantly not to be taken lightly."

"Aww Rosie talks about me I feel honoured," I smirked and exit the gym walking to my car with Emmett following behind me. "You aren't human," Emmett said and I turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "of course I'm human what are we in someone's weird fantasy? Because make believe isn't really normal at your age Emmy Bear."

Before I could block Emmett's fist comes up and punches me in the eyes. I fell to the ground, "what the fuck!" I yelled and everyone turned to us and some gasp. I felt my eye becoming swollen and he look terrified, "oh shit I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"No I think you did mean to what the fuck Cullen!" I yelled and someone must have ran and got me ice because Mike handed me an ice pack. I rested it against my eye, "shit, shit I'm sorry." I got off the ground and Mike went to help me but I pushed him off, "no everyone go away I'm fine I've had worse."

I stormed to my car with Emmett following me, "I'm sorry Bella I I'll make it up to you I'm sorry." I turned to hit, "you fucking punched me when I did nothing wrong Cullen how the fuck can you make it up to me!" I got all the Cullen's attention and I see Alice freeze at Jasper's side.

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