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(A/N This is after Ralph hears that Vanellope wants to stay in Slaughter Race, but stays on the line a bit longer

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(A/N This is after Ralph hears that Vanellope wants to stay in Slaughter Race, but stays on the line a bit longer.)

“But that's the thing, I want this to be my normal. I want this to be my life. I can't go home now. I just can't," Vanellope said.

"Well, yeah, Ralph won't be happy, but deep down, he would understand that this is what you want," Jamie told her.

"I guess. But what about you? People treat you better on the Internet than in the arcade. You've even told me that while Ralph was being treated better, you've still had people who didn't like you," Vanellope pointed out.

Ralph couldn't believe what he was hearing again. This whole time, there were still people who treated Jamie like the jinx she was created for her game? Why didn’t she tell him?

"You're right that a lot more people treat me better on the Internet, but the arcade is my home. If I stayed here, my game would possibly get unplugged and the monsters in it would be homeless. Besides, I've been wanting to tell Ralph something important and if I told him and decided to stay here, it would make our relationship harder," Jamie explained.

"I think I know," Shank smiled.

"What?" Vanellope asked.

"Well, what's the really big confession that couples tell each other when they've been together for a long time?" Jamie hinted.

Vanellope thought about it for a second then her face lit up.

"YOU LOVE HIM?!" Vanellope asked excitedly.

Jamie laughed and answered, "Yeah. I do."

Ralph's eyes widened with a hint of a smile. He was happy about how Jamie felt about him, but he was still sad that Vanellope was leaving.

"I have since our first kiss when he freed us from the Fungeon. But we never got to fully confessing our love in words. I've wanted to tell him for so long, but I guess we wanted to take our relationship a little slow," Jamie continued.

"J, you guys had your first kiss and got together the night after you met. Does that sound like 'slow' to you?" Vanellope smirked, lightly nudging her.

"Okay, I get it," Jamie chuckled, lightly nudged her back, then added seriously, "But we liked each other then. My love for him grew from there and it still does to this day."

"I get it. I hope everything goes well," Vanellope said, hugging her.

Jamie returned it with a smile.

"Same here," Shank told her, lightly punching her arm.

"Thanks guys," Jamie smiled.

And that was when Ralph hung up.

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