THE BAD GUYS (Wolf X Jamie): A New Plan

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(A/N This one was the only complete chapter of this one. So how this goes is my OC is Diane's sister and has been with the Bad Guys, though she doesn't steal unless necessary. This is when she, Wolf, and Diane go to take the meteorite, but are shocked and captured and this is what happens.)

After they were knocked out, Jamie was brought to a different room. She woke up a bit dazed and saw she was tied to a chair. She struggled against the rope, but it wouldn't budge then.

"Well, great," she remarked.

"Jamie," a familiar voice called.

She looked toward it to see Snake come in then close the door.

"What do you want?" she asked harshly.

"I want you to know Wolf was right," he told her.

"Huh?" Jamie wondered, raising an eyebrow.

"I gave Shark the last push pop we had and got the tingle. I realized that feeling was actually good, so I need your help, but Wolf doesn't know about it and I wanna keep it that way for now," Snake explained.

"I don't know. You said it yourself. I want him to be my mate and we don't keep secrets from each other," she said.

"But it's to make sure Marmalade doesn't succeed and if Wolf and the others know, it won't be believable. But with your smarts, we can stop him," he persuaded.

Jamie thought about it for a minute then said, "Okay. So what do you need me to do?"

"I'm gonna play the betrayal card on Wolf and you're Marmalade's and my hostage. When he leaves us, I'll take you through the rest. Also, no matter how this goes, I'm sticking with the deal you and Wolf made so you don't get locked up," Snake said.

"A lot riding on this," she remarked.

"I know, but you gotta trust me on this," he replied.

And with that, Jamie nodded.

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