THE ROAD TO EL DORADO: The Festivities

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(A/N So my OC is Miguel's sister and has feelings for Tulio. This is when they are getting ready for the party after they meet Chel, who Jamie already knows as well as all of El Dorado. Also, this is technically two chapters in this one sneak peek, but I had to do both for it. This is my OC, which I drew.)

Once Chel and Jamie stepped out of the room, Tulio started changing while Miguel came up to him, almost fully ready, with a smirk

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Once Chel and Jamie stepped out of the room, Tulio started changing while Miguel came up to him, almost fully ready, with a smirk.

"Mm-mm-mmm! Maybe they should call this place 'Chel Dorado'," he commented.

"Whoa, she's trouble! Wait a minute!" Tulio objected.

"What?" Miguel shrugged.

"The little voice-- Remember the little voice? Ju-Ju-Just for a second imagine that you have one. What would it be saying about Chel?" Tulio asked.

Miguel purred in response.

"No. No. Listen. We and Jamie are partners," Tulio reminded.

"We and Jamie are partners," Miguel repeated.

"We have a plan, remember?" Tulio reminded.

"Get the gold. Go back to Spain," Miguel stated.

"Yes! And we are pretending to be gods and a goddess. Now, put Chel in the mix. What is the voice saying? Listen carefully," Tulio instructed.

After a slight pause, Miguel guessed, "Chel is off-limits, hmm?"

"Bravo! Chel is off-limits! Shake on it," Tulio said

"Off-limits," Miguel agreed.

They both did their handshake before resuming getting ready.

"Besides, we're supposed to be gods and a goddess. We must avoid giving in to temptation," Miguel pointed out.

"Gods. Goddess. Oh," Tulio realized as he finished getting dressed then chuckled, "This is gonna to be tougher than I thought."

"Tulio, relax! All you have to do is smile, act godly, and follow my and Jamie's lead," Miguel instructed.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't she be here now?" Tulip wondered.

"Yes, but she can't come out in this," Jamie answered from behind the curtain.

"Why not?" Miguel asked.

"I'm not used to these clothes. They're too...revealing," Jamie answered.

"Then you should wear it," Chel commented from behind the curtain as well.

"You're not helping!" Jamie scolded.

"Come on, Jamie. It can't be that bad," Tulio said.

Jamie sighed then responded, "Fine."

She then came out in an outfit similar to Chel's except it was red, blue, and green. Her hair was even brought up into a bun and she has some of El Doradon jewelry on. Tulio's jaw dropped until Miguel closed it for him.

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