2. Mini Story 3

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All of the current residents of the Avengers Mansion are currently sitting around, in the living room, waiting for Tasia to give an announcement. She had asked for them all to gather "We've been through a lot these past few years and it's set us all back. But I know none of us want to pause our lives, we want to live and not regret them. After much discussion, with many of you, the future has been decided. And I am the vessel." Prisha looks confused "Huh?" Candice points at Prisha "What she said." Tasia takes Warren's hand, while he's seated beside where she's standing "I am with child." Cheers and gasps erupt all round, many then getting up to hug the pair. Ashley smiles "Looks like we've got a new babysitter, that great!" Tasia laughs, while shaking her head "I have no problem with continuing missions." Everyone, apart from Rocket, Nebula and Lavina, start protesting, telling her she cant fight until after the baby is born, causing Tasia to frown "Very well. But on Asgard, the women would continue to fight, all the way up to the month of the baby being due."

The phone at the middle of the table rungs and everyone settles down, as Stacey says "Answer it, Friday." Penelope Coulson's voice rings out "Listen, I've had a meeting with someone with information on a situation. A corporate whistle-blower. I'm putting a small team together. How about... Prisha, Lavina and Nebula? I've heard their now certified." The women agree. Penny continues "We have a situation in Hamburg." Ashley raises a finger "Hamburg. Interestingly, not where hamburgers were invented." Regina nods "That was in Frankfurt, where frankfurters were not invented, which..." Nebula talks over them "Who's the whistle-blower?" "I can't say. But I have a memory stick and am sending you the data right now. Ever heard of Brok Industries?" The stick contains information about Calisto, a sustainable energy source, but it's not completely safe.


Tasia and Lavina in disguise, have decided to head out to a cafe, to have some sibling time. When things get dangerous. Lavina notices a suspicious man watching them, the man pulls out a gun and starts shooting at them, but they're both good at dodging. Lavina tells her sister "Get everyone out of here, I'll handle him!" "I can help." "No, you can't. You're not allowed to." Tasia sighs, but agrees. Lavina gets closer to the man and starts fighting him hand to hand, his gun falling out of his hand. She discreetly summons a set of daggers to fight against him, but the man is a very good fighter. The pair make such a mess in the little cafe, but at least all the civilians are out. Lavina fights long enough for Tasia to bring their car around front, she then smashes through the window, jumping into the car.

"Hurry!" Tasia speeds away. The man from the cafe gets into his own car and chases after them. As soon as he gets close enough, he starts shooting them with a machine gun. Thankfully, all the Avengers cars are of Ashley Stark design, so they're bulletproof. As Tasia continues driving, having only gotten her licence recently, so swerving around a bit, Lavina opens the sun roof and starts shooting back with a gun from the glove compartment. The other man's car is bulletproof too, and her aim isn't perfect enough to get through the small section his machine gun is, but she has another idea "Hold it steady!" But she runs out of bullets. The sheer amount of bullets hitting the back of Tasia and Lavina's car, smashes the window, causing Tasia to drive them into a wall "Come on! Quickly Tas!" Lavina quickly sits down. As Tasia backs up and starts driving again, the other guy catches up to them and hits them with his own car. The guy keeps ramming them and manages to catch one of their wheels, causing them to spin out of control.

Tasia regains control, but now facing the other guy. She reverses quickly, the two cars facing each other and both moving in the same direction. The other man now using a handgun. Lavina thinks up an idea "Do a J-turn on my mark." "Ready." Lavina plugs the seatbelt in though not around her and wraps the seatbelt around her left hand "Now!" She quickly opens the doors and summons a dagger. As the car turns, Lavina is hanging out of the car and gets a good angle on the car chasing. She manages to launch her dagger into one of the front tires. She quickly summons another and gets the other front tire too. The man loses control and Lavina hauls herself back in, shutting the door. The pair aren't sure what to do next, that haven't even told the others what's going on yet. Before they can make a decision, the other man gains enough momentum with his car, with only the front wheels punctured, to knock their car sideways, which happens to be into a river. Once the car hits the bottom, the pair use their brains and alien-over-human bodily enhancements, to stay under water long enough that the man leaves thinking they're dead, probably not having realised who Tasia is. Once they're pretty sure he's gone, they resurface, gasping for breath. Lavuna sees he's gone and looks at Tasia, while they paddle "Do you see now, sister, why your soulmates don't want you out fighting until your child is born?" "I suppose I can see their point. We'd best let them know what's happened." "They won't be pleased." "No, I don't suppose they will be."

The Soulmate Initiative: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now